Drop In Help
This page refers to a previous drop-in seminar series which is no longer running. For the current SCRTP Drop In please see: https://warwick.ac.uk/research/rtp/sc/user_support/research-computing-drop-in/
List of All Mini Seminars
All of these should remain available indefinitely, with auto-captioning enabled where possible. Questions and comments are welcome by email to resource.rse{@}warwick.ac.uk
Note: You might need to manually select the video quality for the slides/code to be readable, especially if your internet connection is slow or congested. All streams are available in at least 480p. If you would like a copy of the slides, a transcript, or a downloadable version of the videos, please email resource.rse{@}warwick.ac.uk
22/4/20 - Choosing a programming language - https://youtu.be/O9ikOLw1ozw
29/4/20 - Web scraping and APIs - https://youtu.be/RbVy7lI076A
6/5/20 - Inside the Computer - https://youtu.be/XVdXGGe-YW
13/5/20 - Learning Programming - Dealing with Arrays - https://youtu.be/6eMqT7c5C_k
20/5/20 - Compilers, interpreters, IDEs and Notebooks - https://youtu.be/ELJi3gNsh6g
27/5/20 - Linking Data (part 1) - https://youtu.be/AMLGF7xYwhM
3/6/20 - Linking Data (part 2) - Type/Structs/Classes - https://youtu.be/F6VqrLCMwyY
17/6/20 - Accelerators, coprocessors and not using your CPU - https://youtu.be/LVpLpoRPpJE
24/6/20 - Code Licenses - https://youtu.be/7e2J7N9EGuI
8/7/20 - FortranCon 2020 follow up - https://youtu.be/i48ui_eoreI
15/7/20 - Global variables and their uses - https://youtu.be/T2FkzTk09vg
22/7/20 - The Road to Object Oriented Programming - https://youtu.be/oibjI9kth7c
29/7/20 - Further Along The Road to Object Oriented Programming - https://youtu.be/qZoBM4hQfZ4
5/8/20 - Rules(ish) for Good Programming - https://youtu.be/5I26S2yw4F0
12/8/20 - "I am, therefore I think - Lifetime, references and pointers" - https://youtu.be/O5-Ombm-G9k
19/8/20 -'Is A' vs 'Has A'. Who owns the data? - https://youtu.be/xMWNfhdoDjs
26/8/20 - Design Patterns, An Introduction - https://youtu.be/Sa2bsWXEiEA
9/9/20 - Picking a Good Problem for Practice - https://youtu.be/114SVN_DxGo
23/9/20 - The Other Travelling Salesman Problem - Somebody with something to sell - https://youtu.be/DrC3Hjasgng
7/10/20 - The range of programming languages - https://youtu.be/iY8YWoSXckc
14/10/20 - Don't Panic! What to do when things go wrong. - https://youtu.be/r5wxLx_2B4k
21/10/20 - Antipatterns - Design Patterns' Dark Side. - https://youtu.be/j17QFfxcvWw
28/10/20 - How to see what's actually there - tips for debugging - https://youtu.be/tT4zq74Ns9I
4/11/20 - What did you just say? - intro. to user input verification - https://youtu.be/pin1deV8eYQ
11/11/20 - Getting Started - How to go from a blank editor - https://youtu.be/rm8zeUEIP8k
18/11/20 - Linters - Compiler like checking for interpreted languages - https://youtu.be/CnEWgpv3DR4
25/11/20 - Managing Workflows - Part 1 - Simple tools - https://youtu.be/An6ADi0_Tgc
2/12/20 - Managing Workflows - Part 2 - Gnu Parallel - https://youtu.be/t_v2Otgt87g
Xmas Break
17/2/21 -"Who cares? Tips for getting funding for software development" - https://youtu.be/1BZVplEozjc
24/2/21- Time Management in Software Development (pre-recorded)- https://youtu.be/z-NlgFnMfXA
3/3/21 - E-merge-ncy - what happens when git merges fail - https://youtu.be/PpbM57bAI-c
10/3/21 - The Pitfalls of Finite Precision - https://youtu.be/gNSVhCALvVo
24/3/21 - The Pitfalls of Python Pickles - https://youtu.be/3O2GZ3CnIVo
31/3/21 - Getting There Faster - an introduction to algorithm speed and complexity - https://youtu.be/Bap15mnizp8
21/4/21 - Disaster Recovery - dealing with data loss - https://youtu.be/ya6OIEVhKKU
2/6/21 - Pointers vs References - https://youtu.be/fG7knxTa-y8
9/6/21 - Deep and Shallow Copies - https://youtu.be/RYHLo71hbW8
16/6/21 - Copy versus Move operations - https://youtu.be/ZobblZxQrZ8
23/6/21 - The Source Code is not Enough - https://youtu.be/CV6QasLToKc
30/6/21 - Containers and Concepts - https://youtu.be/tkg1jTfzCg4
7/7/21 - Invariants and Testing - https://youtu.be/PPkH3aOUreo
14/7/21 - Side effects, pureness and re-entrancy - https://youtu.be/gdNJBnbONS8
21/7/21 - Asynchronous programming and callbacks - https://youtu.be/bwRPDXpnedI
28/7/21 - The nature of Functions - https://youtu.be/In3GqtoNAJE
4/8/21 - More fun with functions - https://youtu.be/qMU_5ShQqlQ
11/8/21 - Behind the scenes of functions - Apologies for technical issues, the stream for this week can be got at https://youtu.be/zfDsPRiDrFo
18/8/21 - Memory Misuse - https://youtu.be/oIIs_C5Q3k4
25/8/21 - Function Calling (To the faraway towns?) - https://youtu.be/dQ17AHNXGSk
1/9/21 - Errors and Warnings - https://youtu.be/48HP5_zlfpk
9/9/21 - The Human Element in Software Design - https://youtu.be/bnQbQGOU7YY
15/9/21 - Programmers are Human too - https://youtu.be/gMZJxpc1DSQ
22/9/21 - OpenMP - another route to GPU programming? - https://youtu.be/Nsy9yLQZu0g
29/9/21 - Numerical errors in nature: an example - https://youtu.be/FXS1-p922Sg
6/10/21 - Hindsight is 2021 - what happened to Facebook? - https://youtu.be/xTIw1kXgqzI
13/10/21 - How big IS exascale? - https://youtu.be/x_H_JgL4XQI
20/10/21 - Basic Object Oriented Design - https://youtu.be/-UDlKblHLWY
27/10/21 - Short Circuiting - https://youtu.be/0z5HguG6ZNc
3/11/21 - Iterator basics - https://youtu.be/5FGxkF4DOQg
10/11/21 - A case study in Undefined Behaviour - https://youtu.be/JteoPic48yE Follow-up video: https://youtu.be/f3XQdLX1E0M
17/11/21 - Real numbers aren't real - https://youtu.be/UU1u4JDkZ4M
24/11/21 - Data Visualization - https://youtu.be/ERSCs7sKTvQ
1/12/21 - Trees - https://youtu.be/CKckueGrj4I
22/6/22 - Stack Machines for doing maths in code - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feVYhWHdNKk
30/6/22 - Inside the black box of hash tables - https://youtu.be/aZv1BYvEesE
7/7/22 - Code flow and "single task" functions - https://youtu.be/sgavrkHt00U
13/7/22 - Function overloading - https://youtu.be/nOYL6f9j7FU
21/7/22 - Managing object lifetimes - https://youtu.be/CLzalAy5gu8
1/8/22 - Inside the black box - L and R values - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Voi82R13OSw
3/8/22 - Tramp Data - https://youtu.be/PEkm5ZSsAJw
10/8/22 - Inside the black box - Lambdas - https://youtu.be/c14-pUA_qyA
24/8/22 - Computer Booting - https://youtu.be/oPZ5M80CtxE
21/9/22 - Canonical Data - https://youtu.be/BTCYSiB3hcU
28/9/22 - Unusual Data Formats - https://youtu.be/N8mzr5s9eLI
12/10/22 - In The News: iPhone Crash detection flaw - https://youtu.be/pIUWZY-kAps
19/10/22 - Inside the Black Box - Stack and Heap memory - https://youtu.be/02nNoxCAaXc
27/10/22 - Some things about bugs and undefined behaviour - https://youtu.be/rvihbGMLezg
3/11/22 - Inside the black box - SFINAE in C++ - https://youtu.be/fK1hsU2M7tU
9/11/22 - Inside the black box - What is Return Value Optimisation - https://youtu.be/mPZ8ybBU9NQ
16/11/22 - When numbers get very small - Denormal numbers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_ugX33tU8c
24/11/22 - A bit about file names and extensions - https://youtu.be/ja3if0o_IBQ
22/2/23 - Myths and Legends in High Performance Computing - https://youtu.be/7xv6HrVfT_s
8/3/23 - Inside the black box - Const ness and const correctness - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQyLUpz2GHkLink opens in a new window
15/3/23 - Function Binding, or how make one function from another with more parameters - https://youtu.be/BXGUZoI-7voLink opens in a new window
29/3/23 - Some observations on Python variables and types - https://youtu.be/DKPhRDFFfKgLink opens in a new window
05/04/23 - Finite State Machines as a mental model for machine learning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbDBAMeGKVELink opens in a new window
26/4/23 - Leaving a function with a throw in C++ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XhjrD2wxaELink opens in a new window
4/5/23 - Github Copilot: Strengths and Weaknesses -https://youtu.be/aE9mofhfBOA