Turing Fellows - Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies
Dr Emma Uprichard
Emma's work is driven by the methodological challenge of studying complex social systems across time and space and developing methods suitable for policy planning. This has involved the methodological challenge of researching cities as complex systems, food hates over the life-course, the complex interactions between knowledge, method and discipline.
Dr Cagatay Turkay
Cagatay is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick. His research has been supported by national (EPSRC, NERC), international (EC H2020) and industry funded projects. He frequently publishes his research on visualisation journals such as IEEE TVCG, CGF, and IEEE CG&A, as well as journals in machine learning and data mining, and also recently co-authored a coursebook titled “Visual Analytics for Data Scientists.’