Schedule a lecture capture
The lecture capture scheduling team is available 9am - 5pm, weekdays only. Please allow at least 2 working days for new schedules to be setup and for changes to existing schedules to be actioned. We cannot guarantee that requests made after this time or on the day of a recording can be actioned.
Scope of the service
The Lecture Capture Scheduling service is provided by the Academic Technology team and is responsible for recording consent for automated lecture capture received via the online consent form, and for entering lecture capture recording schedules received via the lecture capture booking form into EchoVideo.
The Lecture Capture Scheduling Service is available 9am-5pm Monday to Friday only. Any scheduling requests or amendments made outside of these hours will not be actioned until the service is available.
Scheduling Requests or amendments should be made at least two working days prior to the event. It cannot be guaranteed that scheduling requests or amendments can be actioned after this time or on the day of a recording.
The Lecture Capture Scheduling team will not check the accuracy of data or correct the requests submitted. Schedules will be entered into the system exactly as requested. Accuracy of data and schedule requests is the sole responsibility of the requester. The Lecture Capture Scheduling team is not responsible for scheduling errors resulting from incorrect data in the central timetable or incorrect data provided by the requester.
Out of scope of the service
- Actioning schedule requests or amendments outside 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.
- Actioning schedule requests less that 2 working days prior to the event.
- Checking the accuracy of, and correcting, scheduling requests.
- Checks of in-room equipment.
- Responding to issues with in-room technologies prior, during or after an event.
- Resolving technical issues with recording equipment prior, during or after a recording.
- Providing additional technologies or services in-room.
- Providing information, support or training on in-room equipment.
‘Customer’ Responsibilities
- To provide accurate data correctly formatted.
- To maintain accurate timetable data in the timetabling system.
- To make amendments to the timetable as quickly as possible.
- To request schedules or amendments at least two working days prior to the event.
- To notify the Lecture Capture Scheduling team of any changes to a schedule as early as possible.
For help:
With issues while using a room:
Contact Audio Visual Services via phone 024 765 22463 or email
With timetabling issues or changes:
Contact the Cental Timetabling Office
With making scheduling requests or amendments to bookings
Contact Academic Technology via or
Before requesting your schedule
- Ensure that University of Warwick presenters have completed the opt-in consent form for automated lecture capture, and accessed EchoVideo at least once via Moodle to set up their EchoVideo accountLink opens in a new window and that any external presenters or students have provided written consent to your department or been offered an alternative to being recorded.
- Check that the room is enabled for lecture captureLink opens in a new window.
- Check the length of recordings or bookings are shorter than 8 hours. We strongly recommend that long sessions be broken down into shorter requests.
- Check if your department has a local scheduling team that can process this on your behalf e.g. WBS.
It is important that the presenter of the session is the person presenting and not the person requesting on their behalf e.g. a departmental administrator. This is also the case for room bookings (see 'Record a whole module' below).
Requesting your schedule
Please read this information carefully before submitting the online booking form.
I want to use data (including presenter, module name, rooms, dates, and times) from Central Timetabling.
I want to record lectures and/or seminars.
Use this process to record all the events for a module as booked in the Central Timetabling system. If there is more than one instructor, each person must have completed the online consent form in order for sessions to be recorded. Individual sessions can be excluded on request.
- Room must be enabled for lecture capture
- A presenter must be recorded in the room booking, and have given consent
- The event is a lecture. Seminars need to be added manually to the scheduling queue
Every individual room booking/event should only have a single presenter and this must be the person presenting that session in order for consent to be managed correctly.
- Open the online booking form.Link opens in a new window
- The option to Record all Lectures (and/or seminars) for a module as shown in the Central Timetable will be selected by default. The data in room bookings must be accurate for this to take place.
- Provide the module code and name. If you are setting up recordings for a module occurrence and do not want this to appear in the main occurrence, then please let us know in the notes field as we will need to manually create the EchoVideo section and link it to the corresponding Moodle space.
- Select the event type to be recorded - lectures, seminars, or both.
- Select whether recordings will be made available automatically at the end of the event. If you select No, you will need to release these manually via the EchoVideo interface.
- Select the recording option. For more information on this, please see the notes on the form or the Getting started with Lecture Capture guide.
- Tell us if you want the event live-streamed, and if so, how you would like people to be able to access the stream so that we can advise further.
- Please provide any additional notes in the other requirements box e.g. to exclude an event (please note the week and the date) or if you have a question.
- Confirm that you have completed the form having read these instructions, that presenters have consented to be recorded, and that the rooms match the options chosen.
- Click submit.
Recordings will take place automatically - assuming the room has lecture capture - and will be stored in the EchoVideo section for that module. They can be accessed by students via the EchoVideo lecture capture block in the corresponding Moodle module space.
My class is locally timetabled.
My event is a conference or workshop, or my event is not part of an academic module.
My recurring events are at the same time, in the same room, and have the same presenter each week.
Use this process to record one or a number of sequential events that do not appear in CTT room bookings.
If you only need to exclude one or two events from a module booked via CTT, use the Record a whole module process and note which dates you want to exclude.
- Open the online booking form.Link opens in a new window
- Choose the option Record a single or recurring event
- Select the location where the events will take place - choose the campus, then building, and finally the room. This list represents the most up-to-date information that we have for rooms that are lecture capture enabled.
- Select the date for the event (or the date of the first event for recurring sessions).
- Set the start and end times in HH and MM i.e. 11:05 to 12:55 for example for 2 hour session with time at the start and end for people to enter and leave.
- Set the number of weeks. This is 1 by default indicating a single event. If you want to record for 10 weeks and exclude week 6 reading week, select 10, and make a note of the exclusion in the notes field.
- Provide the event title - this is what people will see when they access lecture capture to watch the recording.
- Provide the course and section names. See the notes on the form for more information.
- Choose the academic year or set this as open to remove any time limitations (e.g. for a conference or training event that will remain available and is not linked to an academic year module).
- Select whether recordings will be made available automatically at the end of the event. If you select No, you will need to release these manually via the EchoVideo interface.
- Select the recording option. For more information on this, please see the notes on the form or the Getting started with Lecture Capture guide.
- Tell us if you want the event live-streamed, and if so, how you would like people to be able to access the stream so that we can advise further.
- Please provide any additional notes in the other requirements box e.g. to exclude an event (please note the week and the date), add an extra Warwick presenter, or if you have a question.
- Confirm that you have completed the form having read these instructions, that presenters have consented to be recorded, and that the rooms match the options chosen.
- Click submit.
Recordings will take place automatically - assuming the room has lecture capture - and will be stored in the EchoVideo section that you have indicated in the details above. They can be accessed by students via the EchoVideo lecture capture block in the corresponding Moodle space or the whole section (and all recordings in it) can be made publically available.
I need to record multiple lecture or seminars that are not in CTT nor are recurring events.
I am an admin in departments and need to record multiple events which match both of the above.
If you are using rooms that are not bookable through the Room Bookings system, or if you need to book multiple non-modular events, you will need to download and complete a spreadsheet for upload into the EchoVideo system directly. It is absolutely vital that all information is completed accurately or it will not be possible to schedule the recording(s).
- Download the spreadsheet - please use this only if you are certain that your data is accurate. If there are any errors e.g. locations which are not lecture capture-enabled or instructors who have not provided consent, the spreadsheet will be returned to you to be amended. You may need to access EchoVideo to check the details and format for sections, for example. Please note that Captions are not available at Warwick, recordings will be auotmatically transcribedLink opens in a new window.
- Instructions for completing the spreadsheet.
- Watch our lecture capture spreadsheet training video which takes you through the process, step by step.
- Contact for support with completing the spreadsheet.
- Open the online booking form.Link opens in a new window
- Select the Record multiple events using a spreadsheet option.
- Please provide any additional notes in the other requirements box.
- Tell us the date of the first recording (for administrative purposes).
- Complete the spreadsheet and save this with a meaningful name e.g. AT101 introduction to modern architecture 21032021 v1.xlsx - if you need to send this again with changes (see below) it will help to have a version number to refer to.
- Confirm that you have completed the form having read these instructions, that presenters have consented to be recorded, and that the rooms match the options chosen.
- Attach your completed spreadsheet - we will use this data to directly create the schedule in EchoVideo so it is important that all data is accurate. Please check the instructions or contact us on if you need help.
- Click submit.
Recordings will take place automatically - assuming the room has lecture capture - and will be stored in the EchoVideo section that you have indicated in the spreadsheet. They can be accessed by students via the EchoVideo lecture capture block in the corresponding Moodle space or the whole section (and all recordings in it) can be made publically available.
Amendments to a schedule
Please use the Amend Scheduled Lecture Capture Booking(s) form to make changes to, or delete, a schedule that you have already requested.
Other Enquiries
For any other enquiries, please contact us at