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April 2021

  Name Description File Size Last Editor Last Updated Keywords
PDF document An infographic illustrating communications strategies for people in Level 3 PPE A poster offering practical strategies to medical teams as they adapt to working in restrictive Level 3 PPE, released by the University of Warwick and the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust. The infographic draws on empirical research between Sociolinguistics and Emergency Medicine studying the negotiation of leadership and teamwork in trauma settings. (1.1 MB) Sheila Kiggins 05/05/21 PPE, coronavirus, communication
Image file Black Soldier Fly Black Soldier Fly - Brett Hondow, Pixabay (81 KB) Alice Scott 26/04/21
Image file Chaoying Wan self-healing robots Chaoying Wan self-healing robots (54 KB) Alice Scott 27/04/21
Image file cover5stage_cmyk.jpg A crystallizing magnetic white dwarf accreting from the wind of its companion star. Author: Paula Zorzi (2.3 MB) Peter Thorley 29/04/21
Image file Dr Heather Turner, Department of Statistics Dr Heather Turner, Department of Statistics (125 KB) Alice Scott 29/04/21
Image file Gibson/sosso (65 KB) Alice Scott 23/04/21
Image file LpgY-trehalose LpgY-trehalose - Liz Fullam - Life Sciences (391 KB) Alice Scott 12/04/21
Image file modelwaversion_cmyk.jpg Illustration of the origin of magnetic fields in white dwarfs in close binaries (to be read counter clockwise). The magnetic field appears when a crystallizing white dwarf accretes from a companion star and as a consequence starts to spin rapidly. When the white dwarfs field connects with the field of the secondary star, mass transfer stops for a realtively short period of time. Author: Paula Zorzi (2.8 MB) Peter Thorley 29/04/21
Image file professor_carsten_maple_10.jpg (1.6 MB) Alice Scott 10/05/21
Image file professor_carsten_maple_1.jpg (2.3 MB) Alice Scott 10/05/21
Image file professor_carsten_maple_2.jpg (3.1 MB) Alice Scott 10/05/21
Image file professor_carsten_maple_4.jpg (2.3 MB) Alice Scott 10/05/21
Image file professor_carsten_maple_5.jpg (1.5 MB) Alice Scott 10/05/21
Image file professor_carsten_maple_8.jpg (1.9 MB) Alice Scott 10/05/21
Image file professor_carsten_maple_9.jpg (2.3 MB) Alice Scott 10/05/21
PDF document Teamwork in the Covid-19 Zone infographic A poster offering practical strategies to medical teams as they adapt to working in restrictive Level 3 PPE, released by the University of Warwick and the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust. The infographic draws on empirical research between Sociolinguistics and Emergency Medicine studying the negotiation of leadership and teamwork in trauma settings. (1.1 MB) Sheila Kiggins 05/05/21 PPE, coronavirus, teamwork
Image file University Challenge Final 2021 University Challenge Final 2021 (10 MB) Tom Frew 01/04/21 University Challenge Final 2021
Image file Using Phage to discover new antifreeze proteins Using Phage to discover new antifreeze proteins (31 KB) Alice Scott 23/04/21
Image file VOI e-scooter (12 MB) Alice Scott 11/05/21
Image file VOI e-scooter with pod (13 MB) Alice Scott 11/05/21
Image file VOI e-scooter with pod (24 MB) Alice Scott 11/05/21
Image file VOI e-scooter with pod (27 MB) Alice Scott 11/05/21