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Section 1 of the Student Complaints Resolution Procedure

1. Focus on Early Resolution

The University is committed to providing a high quality service to our students from first enrolment, throughout their courses of study, to graduation and beyond as part of the Warwick global community. The University actively encourages feedback on all aspects of the teaching and learning experience and other services provided by the University. However there may be occasions when the level of service received falls short of that which might reasonably be expected.

The aims of the Student Complaints Resolution Procedure are:

  • to resolve complaints in a timely, effective and fair manner; and
  • to resolve complaints as close as possible to the academic or service area in which they arise.

Options for early resolution, such as facilitated discussion, should be considered wherever possible. A fair and thorough investigation of formal complaints will be undertaken when necessary. The most up-to-date University Student Complaints Resolution Procedure, together with further information and supplemental guidance about the University of Warwick’s Student Feedback and Complaints Resolution Framework, including facilitated discussion, are available at the following webpage:

The University is committed to promoting equality and diversity in all its activities. This Student Complaints Resolution Procedure should be read in conjunction with the University’s statements and policies in relation to Academic Appeals, Dignity at Warwick, Disciplinary Regulations, Research Misconduct and Whistleblowing. Links to these and other related information can be found on the University’s Feedback and Complaints Resolution webpage at:

Go to Section 2 of the Procedure.