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Section 10 of the Student Complaints Resolution Procedure

10. Independent External Review

Once the Review Stage 3 has been completed and an outcome issued to the complainant, or it is determined there are insufficient grounds for the complaint to be considered within Stage 3, the University’s Student Complaints Resolution Procedure has concluded and the student is entitled to ask the OIA to look at their complaint. The OIA considers complaints from students who remain dissatisfied at the conclusion of the University’s internal complaints handling procedures and which meet the OIA’s eligibility requirements. The complaint must be received by the OIA within twelve months of the Completion of Procedures Letter being issued by the University. It typically takes a number of months for the OIA to consider a complaint and issue an outcome. Further information about escalating a complaint to the OIA is available on
Apprentices have the right to refer their complaint to the ESFA or independent review if they are dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint following the completion of the University's internal processes. The complaint must be received by the ESFA within twelve months of the issue occurring, not within twelve months of the Completion of Procedures letter being issued by the University. Apprentices can escalate their complaint to the ESFA Complaints Team by email or post to:
ESFA complaints team
Complaints team
Education and Skills Funding Agency
Cheylesmore House
Quinton Road
If the apprentice is unhappy with the way that the ESFA has dealt with the complaint they can contact the Department for Education, Details of how to do this can be found on the DfE website at
An apprentice can refer their complaint to either the OIA or the ESFA for independent review, but not both.
Go to Section 11 of the Procedure