Section 4 of the Student Complaints Resolution Procedure
4. Who can make a complaint?
The University’s Student Complaints Resolution Procedure covers complaints from any student who receives, requests or is directly affected by the services offered by the University and whose complaint does not relate to issues of admission or academic judgement including:
- Full-time or part-time students undertaking a programme of study at the University;
- Apprentices undertaking full-time or part-time programmes of study at the University;
- Former students of the University whose complaint relates to an incident or problem that took place within the approved timescales (see section 7 below);
- Students on courses leading to awards of the University of Warwick, based on campuses other than the Warwick campus or based at partner organisations, where the local student complaint procedure has been exhausted and/or where the student has been notified that the University of Warwick’s complaints procedure applies.
The Student Complaints Resolution Procedure is the same for all students.
The University recognises that some individuals may be unable or reluctant to make a complaint. Under these circumstances, the University will accept complaints brought by a representative of the student who is dissatisfied with the University, provided the student gives personal consent under the requirements of the Data Protection Act. The student must give consent for a representative to act on their behalf and must confirm the accuracy of any documentation or evidence submitted by a representative. Following written authority the complaint will be processed according to the same timescales as outlined in the Student Complaints Resolution Procedure. Students are encouraged to engage with the complaints process to enable early resolution, including where facilitated discussion may be appropriate.
Should a group of students have a complaint about a matter which is not suitable for resolution via the Student Staff Liaison Committee for the relevant course of study, the students can submit a collective complaint and nominate one student as their representative in resolving the complaint, provided that all students provide their personal consent under the requirements of the Data Protection Act and confirm the accuracy of any evidence and information submitted to support their complaint. While the complaint may be submitted and potentially investigated collectively, it may be that appropriate resolution is different for the individuals involved dependent on their individual circumstances.
When investigating certain types of complaints, it may be that investigation can only be progressed should the student or students, and not solely their representative, participate within an investigatory meeting.
A complainant (or group of complainants) must be able to demonstrate that the complaint is based on evidence which the complainant honestly and reasonably believes to be true. Under such circumstances the complainant will be protected by the University against any subsequent recrimination or victimisation. Should the Academic Registrar determine that a complaint is malicious or vexatious, including where false representations have knowingly been provided by the complainant or their representative, the complaint will be closed and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken under University Regulation 23 on student disciplinary offences.
Complainants are required to communicate courteously throughout the complaint resolution process. Unacceptable behaviour including (but not limited to) unreasonable persistence, unreasonable demands, lack of co-operation or aggression will not be tolerated. Should complainants behave in an unacceptable manner, the Academic Registrar will be asked to consider the case and if reasonable warning has been given to the student as to their unacceptable behaviour, they will determine whether or not to close the complaint and, dependent on the severity of the behaviour, whether disciplinary action should be taken.
Go to Section 5 of the Procedure.