Using OPeRA
What is a punch out supplier?
A punch out supplier uses an interactive catalogue viewed as a webpage. Punch out suppliers in the OPeRA site are displayed under their own heading. By clicking on the icon the user will be directed to a webpage, which maintained by the individual supplier.
How do I search a Hosted Catalogue?
Enter the product description in the Catalogue Search box, top middle of the screen. This will provide search results across all suppliers supplying the item type.
Why aren’t all of the suppliers products included in the catalogues?
The University prioritises the catalogue supplier based on the volume of orders. The University will prioritise the creation of catalogues for the areas where a managed contract exists and the order volume suggests there will be a benefit.
Content changes and obsolete items within the hosted catalogue. Why have there been changes?
Punch out sites are maintained by the supplier, the University monitors the content but is reliant on end users notifying if there are any changes to the detriment of their experience.
The University approves any changes to hosted catalogues. The suppliers submit their price files periodically.
Price changes within the hosted catalogues. What happens?
Price increases on hosted catalogues are approved centrally by the purchasing office. If there has been an increase in the price goods this may impact upon any invoice pending. If you receive an invoice that does not match the catalogue price please contact the purchasing office to confirm if and when the hosted catalogue has changed.