Warwick Food & Drink FAQs
2024/25 menus and prices
The 2024/2025 menu and prices are set for the current academic year. We aim to keep prices set for the year ahead. Should prices change we will update the main booking website and menus.
Our new on-line booking system, which will allow everyone to book online from the standard menus and offers, is now live.
Making a booking
Food and drink
Room and spaces
Equipment and waiting staff
Delivery and collection
How do I make a booking?
All bookings should be made via our online booking portal.
You will need a current valid cost code to complete your order.
For all general enquiries and support email the team at foodanddrink at warwick dot ac dot uk
In order to complete your booking you will need the following information:
- The date and time your booking is required.
- That the room /space where your booking is to be served is available, that you are permitted to serve food in it and that you have booked it.
- The numbers your booking is required for.
- What refreshment and menu choices you would like and whether there are any allergens or dietary requirements that we need to be aware of.
- Any other considerations such as room access and table hire or a specific time to have the event cleared.
I know we require catering but details have not been confirmed, when do I need to contact you?
To ensure that you receive the best possible service we advise that you contact us at least 4 days in advance of your event.
Will Warwick Food & Drink book the room or area from which my booking will be served?
It is your responsibility to book the room/area and assess it for suitability. The following is required for Warwick Food & Drink orders:
- If the space is above ground level we require lift access.
- The room must have the correct capacity for the number of guests attending.
- You must confirm that food and drink is permitted in your chosen room/area.
- There needs to be sufficient table space to accommodate the food and drink you have booked.
- Access must be made available to Warwick Food & Drink staff to deliver your requirements on time. (We recommend up to 20 minutes before service time however if the room is in use before your event and we cannot set up when we arrive, we will leave your delivery outside the room)
- If the area chosen is an open common space, you will need to book it for your event.
- If your booking is in a communal space please let us know so that we are aware there may be other people in that areas as well as the event guests.
Can you recommend an area from which my delivery can be served?
We find that the following areas have sufficient space to accommodate most bookings. Remember you are responsible for booking the room/space/tables for your event:
- Zeeman Foyer (although this space must be booked in advanced: Click here for further information)
- Westwood Teaching Centre (for health and safety reasons all bookings will be served in the foyer area on the ground floor)
- Life Sciences Atrium
- Multi Media Centre
- Westwood Social Science Foyer
- Clinical Trials Unit
- WBS Teaching Centre (Near to M1 and M2)
- Wolfson Research Exchange
- Science Concourse
- MAS Building
- Ramphal Foyer (speak to us for guidance if you are looking to use this space)
- Mathematical Science Building
- Oculus (although there are restrictions on where food and drink can be served, please additional information)
How many tables will I need?
The following is a guide to aid you:
- 1 x 6 foot table is large enough for a buffet up to x 20 people with no tea and coffee
- 2 x 6 foot tables is large enough for a buffet up to 30 people with tea and coffee
If you wish to change the quantity of tables recommended please contact the team.
When can I expect to receive my delivery based on my booking time?
We aim to deliver your order 20 minutes before the time requested.
Following the delivery of your booking, we will record the delivery with a picture/image and this will be sent to the named booking person.
Can I use the Oculus building?
- The Oculus is a shared University space
- Circulation space outside rooms, foyers etc. cannot be booked for exclusive use during term time, Monday - Sunday (including evenings).
The following is a guide to bookable rooms, outside space and numbers of guests that can be booked:
Room |
Is space available for food and drink |
Maximum numbers |
OC 0.01 |
Yes - 2 tables |
60 |
OC0.02 |
Yes - 2 tables |
100 |
OC0.03 Lecture theatre |
Not available |
N/A |
OC0.04 |
Yes - 2 tables |
80 |
OC0.05 |
No |
N/A |
OC1.01 |
No |
N/A |
OC1.02 |
Yes - 1 table |
30 |
OC1.03 |
Yes - 1 table |
30 |
OC1.04 |
No |
N/A |
OC1.05 Lecture theatre |
Not available |
N/A |
OC1.06 |
No |
N/A |
OC1.07 |
Yes - 1 table |
30 |
OC1.08 |
Yes - 1 table |
30 |
OC1.09 |
No |
N/A |
Please note
- Exclusive use cannot be guaranteed as the space remains accessible to the University community
- The space outside each of the rooms is for food and drink
- All food and drink bookings are delivered and set up outside the room in shared space - the member of staff will not remain with the delivery until guests are ready to eat and the delivery may arrive up to 20 minutes prior to the booking time
- There is no additional space within the building for registration/information points/displays to be erected (outside of those listed above)
Which spaces are available in the Faculty of Arts Building (FAB)?
If you are booking during term time the following document provides information about the rooms that are available:
Click to view FAB space information
Do I need service staff?
If you have a booking for 100 people or more or your day is made up of a number of separate events that will need to be cleared and re-laid we would advise that you consider booking a member of staff to service your event. Charges for staff will be applied, staff will be required for a minimum period of 3 hours minimum (this will cover the set up, service and clear down of your event). See main menu for charges. If a member of staff is required, we require five working days notice to ensure availability.
We also recommend that where you have larger events with alcohol being served that service staff are also booked, we would recommend 1 staff per 50 guests (to note this member of staff would not devolve your responsibilities for licensing responsibility).
Will the food be labelled / menu provided?
Every delivery which contains food (excluding items that are pre-packed) will include an allergen spreadsheet detailing all of the information that you require. All pre-packed items will have information detailed on the packaging.
Additional information can be found in dietary requirements.
We provide menus for display on hot / cold buffets
My booking has been delivered, how would you recommend I store it?
- Keep your food covered until it is required to ensure freshness
- Store carefully away from direct sunlight or other heat sources
- If possible ensure that fresh cream products are kept apart from strong flavoured foods
- We advise that you consume your meal within 2 hours of receipt
Please see Food Safety for further information.
We have finished our refreshments/lunch, when will it be collected?
Collections will be made where the booking has reusable items like hot drink dispensers or glass bottles. A bin bag will be provided with all deliveries for you to dispose of your rubbish.
Some equipment has gone missing, will I be charged for it?
All equipment remains the property of Warwick Food & Drink.
Any returnable items not available for collection will be charged for. See terms and conditions for full list of charges.
My planned booking is at the weekend/bank holiday/out of hours, what do I need to know?
Events held at the weekend, on a bank holiday or out of normal business hours may incur additional costs, please speak to the team who will advise accordingly. See terms and conditions for full list of charges.
Do you charge for cancellation?
We understand that sometimes you may need to cancel events or reduce numbers. The following is a guide to cancellation charges applicable. Bespoke events will differ and should be discussed with the Food & Drink team in the first instance.
- 4 or more full working days' notice - No charge
- 48 working hours' notice - Full charge for food, no charge for drinks
- Up to 48 hours' notice - Full charges apply
In the event that the University evokes a severe weather warning, it may be necessary to cancel events at short notice. In such circumstances our normal cancellation policy is applicable as the team will already have prepared for your delivery. See terms and conditions for full list of charges.
What are the guidelines around alcohol and licensing?
A full risk assessment will be required for all events where alcohol is required. Please discuss your event with the team for more information on this.
View the full alcohol policy or download the licensing guidelines and disclaimer formLink opens in a new window.
I have a guest with a food allergy or dietary requirement, what provisions do you make?
We have a number of options available regarding dietary requirements see menus. Please refer to the full guide for more information: Allergen Statement
Where possible we suggest ordering a mix of food types depending on the size, style of event and information you may have with your attendees.
Our menus do cover a number of areas such as:
- Vegetarian
- Vegan
- Gluten free
Should you have a requirement and no immediate choices available, then contact us and we will see what may be possible.
Every delivery which contains food (excluding items that are pre-packed) will include an allergen spreadsheet, detailing all of the information that you require.
- All pre-packed items will have information detailed on the packaging.
- Additional information can be found in Allergen StatementLink opens in a new window.
- We do not provide actual menus.
Food Safety
My booking has been delivered, how would you recommend I store it?
- Keep your food covered until it is required to ensure freshness
- Store carefully away from direct sunlight or other heat sources
- If possible ensure that fresh cream products are kept apart from strong flavoured foods
- We advise that you consume your meal within 2 hours of receipt
As a booker / organiser we need to make you aware of the following regarding food safety:
- All fresh food needs to be consumed within two hours of delivery.
- All food should be disposed of post this time.
- The choice to remove any items for consumption by your guests, is something that we cannot control and as such we strongly recommend that only low risk fresh foods may be taken away for consumption at a later date, such as fruit, drinks, savoury dry snacks such as crisps (To note items such as cakes fall into what is classed as a “high risk food” – see below)
Retaining high risk foods
High risk foods should be discarded outside these times.
Should you or attendees wish to retain these items, then they should be asked to confirm their acceptance of the food safety risk. Examples of high risk foods are as follows:
- Sandwiches (packed and unpacked)
- Salads
- Meat or fish products
- Cakes or products containing cream
- Prepared fresh fruit
Please see Food Safety for further information.
Can I have the drinks for my event on a sale or return basis?
Yes, this is possible for bottled soft drinks and alcohol at events which are staffed by our team.
How do I order meal vouchers to be used on campus?
See Warwick voucher scheme for all options available.