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Browser support for IT Services applications

For the best experience using our applications, we recommend that you use the latest version of one of the following browsers:

Google Chrome

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox





Only the two most recently released versions of these browsers are supported.

Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported, as of 17th August 2021.

We advise you to keep your browser updated so that you always use the latest version available, with the most recent bug fixes and security improvements. If you use a modern browser on a Managed Windows 10 Desktop or Managed Linux Desktop your browser will be updated automatically to the latest version available.

If you use an older version of one of these browsers you might see web pages with a slightly different layout, but the content will be the same. The level of functionality in some applications may differ depending on the browser version you use.

To install printers you must use Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft EdgeLink opens in a new window - older browsers are not supported.

We recommend that you use the latest version of iOS or Android when using our applications on your mobile devices.

If you have any specific questions or problems using our applications on your desktop, laptop or mobile device, please email with details of the application you’re using, your device, your browser (including version number), and your query.

External applications

Where application support is managed outside of IT Services, browser support and the dates from which legacy browsers are unsupported may vary. Note the following regarding Internet Explorer 11 (IE11):