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View basic statistics in SiteBuilder

Use the Stats tab in SiteBuilder to see information about your website traffic such as page views, most viewed pages or files, and a breakdown of views by students and staff. If you need anything more than basic statistics, we recommend you use Google Analytics with SiteBuilder.

In this article:

Choose a reporting period and see page views

  1. Browse to the topmpost page in the section you want to view stats for.

    Tip: To view statistics for your entire website, navigate to your home page.

  2. Go to Edit > View page statistics:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the option to 'View page statistics' highlighted

  3. On the Stats tab, you see a report of page views for the last seven days:

    The 'Stats' tab in SiteBuilder

  4. Use the From and To date pickers to change the start and end points for the reporting period, up to a maximuim of 180 days.

  5. The report shows information for This page and sub-pages by default. To see a report for the current page only, select Just this page from the Scope drop-down list.

  6. By default, visits by search engines and users with admin permissions are excluded from the report. To include either of these, select the relevant checkbox.

  7. When you've finished specifying the options for the report, select Show statistics.

Page views breakdown

To see a breakdown of visitors by various categories:

The 'Page views breakdown' section of the 'Stats' tab

  • Select Show user types to see a breakdown of page views by students, staff and visitors not signed in on the Warwick website.

  • Select Show user location to see a breakdown of page views by location - campus, off-campus or other.

  • Select Show as a percentage of total to see the percentage of users for each category instead of displaying the actual numbers.

Most viewed pages

  1. To see the most popular pages on your website, select the Top pages section to expand it:

    The 'Stats' tab, with the 'Top pages' section highlighted

  2. The report shows the top ten most viewed pages.

  3. To view the statistics for a specific page, select its name in the list.

Most viewed sections

  1. To see the most popular sections on your website, select the Top sections section to expand it:

    The 'Stats' tab, with the 'Top sections' section highlighted

  2. The report shows the top ten most viewed sections.

  3. To view the statistics for a specific section, select its name in the list.

Most downloaded files

  1. To see the most commonly-downloaded files on your website, select the Top files section to expand it:

    The 'Stats' tab, with the 'Top files' section highlighted

  2. The report shows the top ten most downloaded files.

Missing pages

  1. Select the Missing pages section to expand it:

    The 'Stats' tab, with the 'Missing pages' section highlighted

  2. The report shows pages or files that do not exist, which people have tried to view. Visitors may have mistyped a URL in their browser, bookmarked a page that has since moved to a new location or followed a broken link.

    Tip: If you have a significant number of visits to a deleted page, consider replacing it with a forwarding page that redirects the visitor to the information elsewhere on your website.


Expand the How people got here section to view a report showing how visitors arrived at your page, known in web analytics as a 'referral'.

The 'Stats' tab, with the 'How people got here' section highlighted

Referrals can be the result of:

  • Using a search engine
  • Typing the page's URL
  • Following a bookmark
  • Following a link from another page

Download a report as a CSV file

To download the page views report, select the Download data button under Page views breakdown.

To download a report for any of Top pages, Top sections, Top files, Missing pages or How people got here, expand the relevant section and select Download data.

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