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Personalised content

SiteBuilder enables you to restrict visibility of certain blocks of content on your page based on a visitor's logged-in status and permissions.

For example, only users who are not logged into SiteBuilder can see this paragraph.

In this article:

Add conditional content in the Components Editor

  1. Browse to the page where you want to create conditional content.

  2. Go to Edit > Edit centre content:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'Edit centre content' option highlighted

  3. Create a new content block, or select an existing one.

  4. In the component toolbar, select Conditional content:

    A selected content block, displaying the component toolbar with the 'Conditional content' option highlighted

    Note: This option only appears for the basic content block component. If you'd like to make images or other components conditional, these can be placed inside a content block that you then set as conditional content.

  5. The Conditional content pop-up apears:

    The 'Conditional content' pop-up

  6. Use the drop-down list to select which subset of visitors you want to Display content to:

    • Everyone

    • Any logged in user

    • Staff (including or excluding PGRs)

    • Students (including or excluding PGRs)

    • Alumni

    • Anonymous users

    • Specific webgroup

    • Students in specific year of study

    • Staff and students in specific department

    • Page contributors

    • Page editors

    • Page admins

  7. Alternatively, to hide content from visitors in the selected group, select the Show only to users NOT in the selected group checkbox.

  8. Select Submit.

  9. In the editor, a 🔒 appears in the top right corner of the block to indicate that it is only conditionally visible:

    A conditional content block in the Components Editor, with the padlock icon highlighted

    Note: This icon is not displayed on the published page, even for page editors or admins.

  10. When you're finished editing your page, select Publish.

Add personalised content in the old visual editor

  1. Go to the page where you want to add the personalised content.

  2. Go to Edit > Edit centre content or Edit right content.

  3. In the visual editor, place your cursor where you want to add the personalised content.

  4. In the toolbar, select Insert a > Personalised content section.

  5. In the Personalised content section window, choose the relevant group:

    The personalised content section window in the old visual editor

  6. Select Insert. The personalisation tag is added to the visual editor – for example:

    [if-staff]Your personalised content here[/if-staff]
  7. Enter the content you want to display to this group between the tags.

  8. When you have finished editing the page, select Publish.

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