Edit ID7 page layouts
ID7 page layouts are made up of editable content blocks. Each slide, news feed or feature is contained within a content block. This enables you to change content in parts of the page without affecting the overall layout.
Important: When you come to make your page layout page live or visible to most users, you need to ensure they also have viewing permissions on the subpages where the contents are edited (normally called something like hp-contents
or hp-slides
etc). Otherwise users will only see the top page, and get the layout grey blocks where the content should be, but no actual content, as that is being pulled from the particular subpages.
The following image shows a typical home page – there's a slideshow, text in boxes and a featured item with a background image:

Images should be sized as follows:
- Large header image that spans the full width of the page: 1,170px wide x 375px high
- Small slideshow image (spans two columns): 745px wide x 325px high
- Item feature 1 (spans two colums): 745px wide x 240px high
- Item feature 2 (spans one column): 354px wide x 240px high
The slideshows and content blocks are in data list pages directly beneath your page. To view them, either:
- select the Edit slideshow, Edit content blocks or Edit tabs buttons in your page layout
- go to Edit > More, then select the Sub-pages tab
For example, the ‘slideshow plus feature’ layout above has two data list pages beneath the home page named slides and hp-contents:
Related articles
For more information on how to edit individual components in an ID7 page layout, see: