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Change language

You can specify the language of content in the Components Editor. This helps with accessibility technologies, for example helping screen readers pronounce content correctly.

  1. Browse to the page where you want to specify content language.

  2. Go to Edit > Edit centre content:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'Edit centre content' option highlighted

  3. Create a new content block, or select an existing one.

  4. In the component toolbar, select the Language option:

    A selected content block, with the 'Language' option highlighted in the component toolbar

  5. In the Languages pop-up, Select a language using the drop-down list to specify the language of your content:


  6. Select Submit.

  7. When you hover over the content in the Components Editor, a yellow tag appears in the top left corner of the content block to indicate the selected language:

    A content block set to English (United Kingdom), with the 'en-gb' tag visible in the top left corner

  8. When you've finished editing your page, select Publish.

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