Copy a page to a new location
SiteBuilder enables you to copy a page to a new location with or without its files and sub-pages.
Browse to the page you want to copy to a new location, or the top page in the section you want to copy.
Go to Edit > More:
On the Current page tab, under Manage page, select Copy pages:
You see the Copy page options:
In the New location box, enter the path of the page you want to copy the current page under. The path is the part of the URL after
- for example, to copy a page to the IDG site, you would enter:/your-site
Alternatively, use the Find a page button to open a page picker, which will automatically insert the necessary part of the URL:
In the New page name box, enter the name you want for the last part of the page's URL. For example, a new page named
under the New location/your-site/your-page/
forms the URL:
Note: The New page name and New link caption must each be unique. SiteBuilder will display an error message if there's already an existing page at the New location with the same name or link caption.
Enter a title for the page in the New title box. This appears at the top of the page, above your content. We recommend a descriptive, unambiguous heading so that visitors can quickly determine what they can expect to find on the page and whether it's relevant to them.
In the New title bar caption box, enter your Title bar caption. Consider words people are likely to search for and position these at the front of your title.
In the New link caption box, enter a label for the navigation menu. This is used to list the page in contents list pages, for example.
Choose whether to display the copied page in its parent page's navigation menu by selecting the Show new page in local navigation checkbox.
Note: Hiding a page from the navigation menu does not prevent visitors from accessing it if they know the URL. To control access, use permissions instead.
Choose which sub-pages to copy from the Pages to copy drop-down list:
Current page and all sub-pages: The default selection. The the current page and all files and pages below the current page (including sub-sites) are copied to the New location.
Current page and all sub-pages in the same site: The current page and all files and pages below it are copied to the New location. Any pages that form sub-sites are not copied.
This page, its direct children and all files under those pages: The current page, any pages directly beneath it in the site structure, and any files uploaded to those pages' Files tabs are copied to the New location. Sub-pages of sub-pages are not copied.
Current page only: The current page and any files uploaded to its Files tab are copied to the New location.
If the current page allows comments, choose whether or not to copy them using the Also copy comments checkbox
Choose whether search engines index the copied pages by selecting an option from the Allow search engines drop-down list:
Keep current settings: Copied pages will appear in search or not depending on each page's current settings.
Hide copied pages in searches: All copied pages will be hidden from search results.
Show copied pages in searches: All pages will be shown in search results.
Important: This setting applies to all the files and pages you're copying. If you selected Current page and all sub-pages, Current page and all sub-pages in the same site or This page, its direct children and all files under those pages in step 11, be sure you're aware of what the section contains before you choose to show or hide the copied pages in searches.
Choose the permissions for the copied pages by selecting an option from the Permissions drop-down list. Note that this applies to all the pages and files you're copying:
Keep current settings: Copied pages will have the same permissions settings as the original version.
Remove view permissions from copied pages: View permissions for the copy pages are removed, meaning that they cannot be viewed by users without higher-level permissions. Contributor, edit and admin permissions are not affected.
Replace permissions - copy from new parent page: All existing permissions (including Edit and Admin permissions) are removed, and the page inherits the permissions of its new parent.
Select Copy page.
You see the Copy complete screen, with options to Visit your new page, or Return to edit section for the original page.