Create or edit a form dataset
You can create as many datasets as you need within a single form.
Browse to the form for which you want to create a dataset.
Go to Edit > Edit formsbuilder page:
Select Add/Edit DataSets at the bottom left of the form options:
Choose which type of dataset to create:
Table-based – using tabular data to create specific reports
Summary – to provide data with percentage summaries from option-based questions
Enter a descriptive Name for your dataset:
Optionally, to show text above or below the dataset, enter a Header and Footer. For example, in the Header, you could use the dataset name or provide a description.
For table-based datasets:
specify how many Records per page to display
choose how to order your dataset by selecting an option from the Order by drop-down list
Choose an option from the Extract data drop-down list (last 30 days, last 60 days, last 90 days or all time).
To include the submission ID number and date in the dataset, select the respective checkboxes.
Optionally, to filter the dataset by data in particular questions, select Filter/Restrict Dataset, then select the relevant choice answers or ratings to filter the dataset by.
Select the columns to show in the dataset.
To change the order of columns in the dataset, drag and drop the column names.
When you have finished creating the dataset, select Save Dataset.