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Privacy notices

In line with the latest data protection legislation, it's necessary for the University to be open about the data we collect about people and how we use it.

Ideally, a privacy notice should advise form respondents about:

  • What personal data you are collecting about them
  • Why you are collecting the personal data or what you intend to do with it
  • Your lawful basis for collecting the personal data
  • Who can access the personal data, including any third parties
  • Whether their personal data will be transferred outside of the UK
  • Whether they are legally or contractually obliged to provide their personal data
  • Whether their personal data will be used in automated decision-making or profiling
  • Details of how they can access their data subject rights
  • How long you expect to keep the data

When you create a new form, there's a default privacy notice at the bottom of the form:

This form is anonymous. No data which personally identifies you is collected on the form, and the data you provide is used solely to help us improve the delivery of our courses.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

It's not possible to remove the privacy notice or change its position within the form, but you can edit the text to suit your form's purpose.

Edit a privacy notice

  1. Browse to the form you want to edit.

  2. Go to Edit > Edit formsbuilder page.

  3. Select the Edit button next to the privacy notice:

    The default privacy notice on a forms editing page, with the button to edit the privacy notice highlighted

  4. The Edit your privacy notice page appears:

    The 'Edit your privacy notice' screen

  5. You can chose one of several sample notices to use or adapt. To do so, choose one from the Sample notices drop-down list:

    The 'Sample notice' drop-down

    The Your notice text box updates with the selected sample notice, which you can edit as you wish. Note that the second paragraph is a mandatory statement required by the University, and cannot be edited.

    Important: You should only use the Anonymous form option if your form collects no personal data, including names or University IDs.

  6. In the Your notice box, edit the test so that it accurately reflects your department's position. For guidance on preparing a privacy notice, please see the guidance from Legal and Compliance Services.

  7. When you have finished editing the notice, select Save.

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