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Form properties & notifications

Form properties control how your form works, where to send submission notifications and what information you show after a visitor submits a form. The properties are specific to each form and they are distinct from page properties.

In this article:

Access form properties

  1. Browse to the form you want to edit.

  2. Go to Edit > Edit formsbuilder page:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'Edit formsbuilder page' option highlighted

  3. Under Modify the form, select Form properties:

    The 'Modify the form' section of the 'Edit form' screen, with the 'Form properties' option highlighted

  4. The Edit your form properties page appears:

    Edit your form properties

  5. Each section of the form properties is explained below:

  6. When you're happy with your changes, select Publish to return to the Edit form screen.

Anti-SPAM settings

Optionally, to help block spam submissions, choose when visitors need to identify a piece of text or audio before they can submit the form:

  • Only when not signed in

  • Always

  • Never

Note: SiteBuilder uses Google reCAPTCHA to help block spam submissions. Forms with reCAPTCHA enabled are inaccessible to people in countries where Google products are blocked, such as China.

Making and editing submissions

  1. Choose an option to control how many times visitors can submit the form:

    • Users can submit multiple copies

    • Signed-in users can submit one copy and cannot change it later

    • Signed-in users can submit one copy but can change it later

  2. At the bottom of the published form, visitors see a button labelled Send form by default. To change the label, enter your label in the Submit button caption box.

  3. To allow users to save their progress, select the checkbox Offer logged in users the chance to save their submission and return to it later.

  4. Select Enable automatic deletions of old submissions if you would like old submissions to be deleted automatically. Enter a number in the box Age limit for submissions in months. For example, if you type in 6, any submissions over six months old will be automatically deleted.

When should the form close?

You can close a form manually, automatically after a certain number of submissions are received, or at a specified date and time:

  • To manually close the form, select the Close the form now checkbox.

  • To Close the form after a specific number of submissions, select the checkbox and enter a number in the Submission limit checkbox. Once the specified number of submissions have been received, the form will automatically stop accepting new submissions.

  • To close the form at a certain date and time, select the Close form on this date checkbox, then use the drop-down lists or date picker to set the date and time when the form should stop accepting new submissions

Once the form has closed, visitors see the message entered in the What text should your users see when this form is closed? box.

How should we tell you about completed forms?

Your form can send notifications to you or any other relevant individuals or resource accounts each time someone makes a submission.

The 'How should we tell you about completed forms?' settings

  1. Enter each recipient's email address on its own line in the Email addresses box:

  2. Optionally, specify an Email subject line that will be used for each submission notification.

    Tip: Leaving the Email subject line field blank means that the form will send notifications under the default subject line, which includes the form's submission ID. Custom subject lines do not include the submission ID.

  3. Use the checkboxes to specify whether you want SiteBuilder to send email notifications as soon as forms are submitted, and whether or not submission data or file attachments should be included.

    Note: Email notifications can only support attached files up to a certain size. If files attached to a form submission exceed this limit, email notifications will advise you of this, and direct you to the View latest submissions page to view or download the submission's files.

  4. You can additionally request notes of submissions be sent daily, weekly, monthly, or when the form is closed.

What message should your users see when they've submitted this form?

This section enables you to specify whether visitors who submit forms are notified about their submission, and the details of that notification.

The 'What message should your users see when they've submitted this form?' options

  1. To determine whether users are sent a receipt, select one of the options:

    • Offer the user an email receipt: Users are given the option to receive an email receipt when the form is submitted.

    • Do not offer the user an email receipt: Users will not receive an email receipt.

    • Automatically send email receipts to logged-in users: Anyone logged in under a Warwick account will automatically receive an email receipt. Users who are not logged in are offered the option to send a receipt to an email address of their choice.

  2. In the Message box, enter the text to be displayed on the page when a user submits the form.

    Selecting Don't show the No thanks button will hide the option to refuse an email receipt.

  3. Optionally, you can enter an email address of your choice that users will email receipts from - your own or a departmental email address, for example.

  4. If you want to CC other addresses into confirmation emails, select that checkbox and enter the relevant email addresses in the box below.

  5. To customise users' email receipts, enter your own text in the What text should go at the top of your users' email receipts? field.

Redirecting to another page after completion

You can optionally specify a web page to direct visitors to after they submit a form:

  1. Select Go to another page after form is completed.

  2. Use the Find a page button to find a page, or enter the URL (web address) of the page in the field, excluding the part - for example, to direct visitors to, enter /mysurvey/thanks

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