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Add a drop down list to a form

Use drop-down lists to enable form respondents to select from a list of options. You can either present a single drop-down list, or a paired drop-down list, which visitors can use to refine their choice with a corresponding option from a second list:

Examples of single and paired drop-down lists

In this article:

Add a single drop-down list

  1. Browse to the form you want to edit.

  2. Go to Edit > Edit formsbuilder page:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'Edit formsbuilder page' option highlighted

    Alternatively, select the Edit this form button at the top of the form:

    The 'Edit this form' button at the top of a SiteBuilder form page

  3. Under Allow the user to make a choice, select Drop-down list:

    The 'Allow the user to make a choice' menu, with the 'Drop-down list' option highlighted

  4. You see the Add/Edit a drop down list screen:

    The 'Add/Edit a drop down list' screen

  5. In the Field name box, enter the name you want to appear as the column heading in the form submissions table. For example:

  6. In the Label box, enter the question or instructions to show the respondent on the form – for example:

    Select the talk you want to attend

    If you don't specify a Label, the Field name displays on the form instead.

  7. In the Options box, enter the first option - for example:

    Later Victorian Literature
  8. For each additional option, select Add new item and enter the name. To remove an item, select its Click to remove button.

  9. Optionally, specify the default option using the Pre-selected item the drop-down list.

  10. By default, the Label displays to the left of the text box. If you'd like to display the Label on top, select that checkbox.

  11. To make the question mandatory – meaning the respondent must enter text before they can submit the form – select Required.

  12. To show the single-line text box only to editors of submissions – and hide it from respondents – select Only visible to editors.

  13. When you're finished editing the drop-down list, select Save.

Add paired drop-down lists

  1. Browse to the form you want to edit.

  2. Go to Edit > Edit formsbuilder page:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'Edit formsbuilder page' option highlighted

    Alternatively, select the Edit this form button at the top of the form:

    The 'Edit this form' button at the top of a SiteBuilder form page

  3. Under Allow the user to make a choice, select Paired drop-down lists:

    The 'Allow the user to make a choice' menu, with the 'Paired drop-down lists' option highlighted

  4. You see the Add/Edit a pair of drop down lists screen:

    The 'Add/Edit a pair of dropdown lists' screen

  5. In the Field name box, enter the name you want to appear as the column heading in the form submissions table. For example:

    Arrival time
  6. In the Label box, enter the question or instructions to show the respondent on the form – for example:

    What time do you expect to arrive?

    If you don't specify a Label, the Field name displays on the form instead.

  7. In the Options box, enter the first value for the first drop-down list - for example:

  8. Select Add second list item to create each of the options for the second drop-down list corresponding to the first list value.

  9. To create additional options for the first drop-down list, select Add new item, then Add second list items as required:

    An in-progress set of paired drop-down lists with multiple primary and secondary values

    To delete an item, select its Click to remove button.

    Note: Deleting a first list item also deletes any second list items under it, and cannot be undone.

  10. If you want a particular option to be selected when the form loads, choose the relevant options in the Pre-selected item for the first list and Pre-selected item for the second list drop-down lists.

  11. By default, the Label displays to the left of the text box. If you'd like to display the Label on top, select that checkbox.

  12. To make the question mandatory – meaning the respondent must enter text before they can submit the form – select Required.

  13. To show the single-line text box only to editors of submissions – and hide it from respondents – select Only visible to editors.

  14. When you're finished configuring the question, select Save.

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