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Add personal details fields to a form

Use the personal details fields to save signed-in Warwick members from having to type in their University ID, usercode, name or email address. When the form loads, these fields are automatically populated.

  1. Browse to the form you want to edit.

  2. Go to Edit > Edit formsbuilder page:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'Edit formsbuilder page' option highlighted

    Alternatively, select the Edit this form button at the top of the form:

    The 'Edit this form' button at the top of a SiteBuilder form page

  3. Under Add a text box, select Personal detail fields:

    The 'Add a text box' menu, with the 'Personal detail fields' option highlighted

  4. Four text boces appear in the right-hand preview:

    • University ID

    • Usercode

    • Full name

    • Email

  5. By default, the fields are automatically populated with the signed-in Warwick member's details when they visit the form. To change this behaviour, select the Edit form component button for the relevant field, and remove the default option from the Populate with drop-down list:

    The 'Populate with' field for a single line text box

  6. Select Save.

  7. As you're collecting personal data, ensure your privacy notice accurately reflects the information you're collecting and what you intend to do with it.

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