Add a 'drag into order' question to a quiz
Use the drag into order question type to present a list of items for the participant to arrange into a new order – for example, from the oldest to most recent.
Browse to your quiz page.
Go to Edit > Edit quizbuilder page:
Alternatively, select the Edit this quiz button at the top of the page:
You see the Edit quiz screen:
Under Add a question, select Drag into order:
SiteBuilder displays the Add/Edit a question type allowing user to drag into order screen:
In the Question name box, enter a name to help you identify the question in submissions – for example,
sort by size
. Participants do not see this on the quiz - it's purely for your reference. -
Enter the question the participant will see in the Question box.
Enter the list of items, in the correct order, in the Choices box.
Optionally, enter any Feedback for correct answer or Feedback for wrong answer, which will be displayed to a participant when they submit the quiz.
Select Save to return to the Edit quiz screen.
When you're finished editing your quiz, select Done.