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Book a resource

Anyone with view permissions on a Bookings page can select a slot to book one of the available resources. If you have edit or admin permissions, you can additionally book resources on behalf of other users.

  1. Go to the bookings page for the resource you want to book.

  2. Use the tabs at the top of the page to select the relevant resource.

  3. Find the slot you want to book, then select the Make booking button:

    Select the resource tab and booking time

  4. The Make booking pop-up appears:

    The 'Make booking' pop-up

  5. In the pop-up, specify the booking time using the calendar buttons attached to the From and To fields.

  6. To make a repeat booking, choose an option from the Repeats drop-down list.

  7. If you're making a booking on behalf of another user, enter their name or username in the Book on behalf of box. Potential matches are shown as you type:

    The resource booking pop-up, with a partial name entered and suggested result displayed

  8. Select Add Booking.

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