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Booking notifications

When you administer a bookings page, you can choose to receive email notifications when someone makes, edits or cancels a booking. Alternatively, you can direct notifications to someone else – for example, the person who maintains a resource.

Note: Notifications apply to every resource in the bookings page template.

  1. Go to your bookings page

  2. Go to Manage resources > Settings:

    The 'Manage resources' menu with the 'Settings' option highlighted

  3. Under Notifications, select Add a notification.

    The Resource Bookings settings page, with the 'Add a notification' button highlighted

  4. The Add notification pop-up window appears:

    The pop-up window to add a new notification

  5. To set when notifications are sent, choose from the following options:

    • A booking is created: You or the person you specify receive an email whenever someone books a resource, or modifies or deletes and existing booking.

    • A booking period is about to start: You or the person you specify receive an email whenever a booking is due to start within the next hour.

  6. Enter the user ID or name of the person to be notified in the Send notification to field. The form will suggest matching names as you type. You can also choose whether to send the notification to the person's default email address, or Another email address.

  7. Select Add notification. You can now see the new notification under the Notifications section:

    The 'Notifications' section of the Resource Bookings page settings, with an active notification displayed

  8. Select Save changes.

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