Induction training for staff who work in professional services roles
Welcome to Warwick.
At Warwick our professional services staff work in a variety of specialist roles within the Finance and Resources Group, the Information and Digital Group (IDG), the Chief Communications Officer’s Group, Secretary to Council and Professional Services Group (PSG). Our Professional Services staff also work within our Academic departments.
As part of your induction your line manager will provide you with a personalised induction plan which will outline the training you need to undertake during your induction period. Completion of all training within the specified timeframes is essential for successful completion of your probation.
About this page
This page provides access to a number of induction training courses. All new staff in professional services roles are required to complete:
- Security and Information Management, Health and Safety and Finance training within the first two weeks.
- Social inclusion related training by week four (scroll down the page to access these).
All temporary staff working for Warwick who connect to our network need an understanding of good information management and security awareness should complete the SIM training detailed below, general health and safety induction and basic Fire Safety training. Line Managers should specify all other training requirements as appropriate to the role.
At the bottom of the page you will find a number of induction training courses which are essential for certain groups of staff to complete. Check with your manager which of these are relevant to your role.
Note: Some of these courses will need to be refreshed in the future.
All staff are required to complete the following training within weeks 1-2 of their induction

Information Security Management

Health and Safety

All staff are required to complete the following training by week 4 of their induction
Social Inclusion

Dependant on your role, you may be required to complete additional training as identified below. Please check with your supervisor/manager
Health and Safety for Supervisors and Managers
In line with the Leadership and Management of Health and Safety at the University of Warwick document, the following courses are strongly recommended:
Please refer to the document for additional guidance on these courses and other training for supervisors and managers.