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Auto Enrolment

The University is required by law to encourage employees and workers to make provision for their retirement by enrolling individuals into a pension scheme where they are not already in a pension scheme and meet certain criteria. This legislation is known as auto enrolment.

We will write to you if you are automatically enrolled into a scheme to provide you with all of the information that you need to know.

You can find a range of information about auto enrolment at

However, if you have any further questions please e-mail

Contractual Enrolment

Since November 2018 any new salaried employees are contractually enrolled into a pension scheme from day one of their employment. This means that from day one of employment they are covered for death in service benefits and they also build up pension benefits.

These new salaried employees from day one can choose to opt out of the relevant pension scheme by downloading an opt out from or from the UPS DC Section Scottish Widows info site and email this back to the Pensions team.

Any salaried employees who opt out of the pension scheme may still be subject to Auto Re-enrolment in the future.

Pensions Automatic Re-enrolment June 2025

What is Automatic Enrolment?
The law on workplace pensions, known as Automatic Enrolment, requires employers to enrol eligible employees and workers into a qualifying pension scheme. The government is trying to encourage people to save for their retirement and so this legislation focuses on people not currently making any pension contributions.

Employees and workers not in one of the University’s pension schemes are assessed for auto enrolment into the relevant scheme using the following criteria:

  • Earning more than £833 per month
  • Aged 22 years or over
  • Under State Pension Age
  • Working, or usually working, in the United Kingdom

The Pensions Administration team writes to individuals who are automatically enrolled to notify them of this, provide details of the pension scheme that they have joined and explain how they can opt out if they wish. Please note that pension contributions will also be automatically deducted when you are enrolled into a pension scheme.

Why have I been enrolled automatically into a pension scheme when I opted not to join on joining the University?
If you are a University employee who opted not to join a pension scheme when you started work with us, we are still required in law to assess you against the criteria for auto-enrolment (please see the criteria set out above). If you meet these criteria, you may be enrolled into the relevant pension scheme. The letter that you have received to notify you that you have been enrolled explains how you may choose to opt out if you wish.

I opted-out in the past - why have I been re-enrolled again?
In broad terms, an opt-out is only valid for up to three years. This is because, every three years, employers are required to re-enrol individuals into a pension scheme who meet the eligibility criteria, including those who opted out more than 12 months previously. Our most recent re-enrolment exercise took place in June 2022.

If you have left the University and re-joined at a later date then you will have been assessed as part of the normal auto-enrolment process.

How often does automatic re-enrolment occur?
Automatic re-enrolment occurs every three years. The next exercise will take place during 2025.

If I want to opt out, what do I need to do?

  • Opting out of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS)

If you want to opt out of being a member of USS, you will need to obtain an opt-out form from the USS website at and return it to the address below:
Pensions Administration
University House
Kirby Corner Road

or by
Email: hr dot pensions at warwick dot ac dot uk

The completed opt-out form needs to be completed after the date that you are due to be enrolled automatically into a pension scheme (the first of the month in which you are identified as qualifying for enrolment). You will have 3 months from your date of enrolment to opt out of the scheme. The form cannot be accepted if it is completed in anticipation of enrolment at a future date.

If you are unable to download a form, please ring 0151 478 7140 or email joiner dot support at uss dot co dot uk.

  • Opting out of the University of Warwick Pension Scheme (UPS)

If you want to opt out of UPS Heritage Defined Contribution Section, you will need to speak to the scheme administrators, Scottish Widows, by phoning 0800 028 9548 and quoting reference N10615. They will have sent you a joiner letter confirming your enrolment into the pension scheme and this same letter will contain information that they will require to process your opt out. It will also confirm the last date you can opt out of the scheme.

You may also contact the Pensions Team as soon as you know you have been enrolled into the pension scheme and you wish to opt out of the pension scheme, just in case you do not receive the letter from Scottish Widows.

Where can I go for advice on whether to join?
Neither USS nor the University (including their respective advisers, administrators and employees) is authorised to advise you or otherwise influence your decision regarding participation in a pension scheme. If you require advice please contact your Independent Financial Advisor (IFA). If you do not have an IFA you may obtain independent financial advice by contacting You must arrange and pay for this yourself.

I am already receiving another occupational pension - will I be auto-enrolled?
You will still be enrolled if you meet the eligibility criteria. You will be notified in writing if this happens.

I’m on a fixed-term contract – would I still be auto-enrolled?
Yes, if you meet the eligibility criteria. Auto-enrolment legislation applies to permanent and fixed-terms employees, as well as ad-hoc, casual and temporary workers. It is meeting the criteria (set out above) which determines who is auto-enrolled rather than contractual status.

I carry out ad-hoc work for the University – what happens if I am enrolled and then next month I have no earnings?
Neither you nor the University will pay any contributions in a month that you have no earnings. However, you will remain a member of the scheme. Both contributions will re-commence when you next carry out work and receive pay.

I am already receiving my state pension - will I be automatically enrolled?
No, there is an exemption for individuals receiving their state pension. However, you can still opt in to the relevant pension scheme provided you are below age 75. Please contact the HR Pensions Administration team via hr dot pensions at warwick dot ac dot uk for further information.