Export Controls
Export Controls
Export Controls aim to limit proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and counter international threats.
When planning a new research project, Export Controls checks must be made in parallel to starting applications for funding and not once funding has been awarded.
UK Export Controls contain the three primary elements of Military, Dual-use and 'Catch all.'
Export Control applies to research produced by universities due to the potential for certain research to have a ‘dual use.’ This means that whilst research may have been developed with a certain purpose in mind, it has the potential to be utilised for other means including military, arms, WMD, terrorism and for other purposes detailed in these pages.
The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for ensuring that the research complies with the UK Export Control Legislation, and will be personally liable if exporting controlled goods/data outside the UK borders without a licence.
There are exemptions that apply to the controls of software and technology (but not goods) when they consist of information which is already in the public domain, the dissemination of basic scientific research and relating to the minimum information necessary for a patent application. However, exemptions will never apply to WMD End Use Controls.
Failure to obtain an appropriate licence to export controlled goods may result in a criminal offence being committed.
These pages provide information about export control. Please contact R&IS via export-control@warwick.ac.uk for more advice.