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Research Committee

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Membership 2024/25

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) (Chair)

Professor Caroline Meyer

The Vice-Provost and Chair of each of the Boards of the Faculties, or their nominee (typically the Chair of the Faculty Research Committee)

Professor Rachel Moseley (Arts)

Professor Mike Ward (Science, Engineering and Medicine)

Professor James Hayton (Social Sciences)

Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellors Research

Professor Jon Coaffee (Research Impact and Governance)

Professor Kerry Kirwan (Knowledge Exchange and Partnerships)

Professor Kirstie Haywood (Research Culture)

Professor David Leadley (Research Infrastructure and Governance)

Academic Director (Graduate Studies)

Professor Daniel Branch

Academic Director (Interdisciplinary Research)

Professor Fabienne Peter

Deputy Vice-Provosts and Deputy Chairs of the Faculty Boards

Professor Alison Ribeiro de Menezes (Arts)

Professor Mark Williams (Science, Engineering & Medicine)

Professor Chris Moran (Social Sciences)

Chair of the Open Research Group (ORG)

Professor Elliot Ludvig

Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies

Professor Mohan Balasubramanian

Director of Warwick Institute of Engagement

Professor Helen Wheatley

A representative from the Research Staff Forum, nominated by the Forum and approved by the Senate


One postgraduate research student representative, nominated by the Students' Union and approved by the Senate


Up to four academic members of staff of the University, appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Research Committee

Professor James Kermode

Professor Andrew McAinsh

Professor Neil Stewart

A technician’s representative, nominated by the Technician’s Steering Committee and approved by Senate

Paul Johnson

In Attendance

Dr Navdeep Bains (Director of Research and Impact Services)

Anna O'Neill (Librarian)

Dr Dan Blakey (Associate Director - Head of Research Strategy, Funding & Contracts, R&IS)

Carolyn Silvester (Assistant Director - Head of Research Impact, R&IS)

Sam Cole (Assistant Director - Head of REF Futures, Policy and Delivery, R&IS)

Carole Harris (Associate Director - Head of Research Culture, Governance and Compliance, R&IS) (Secretary)

Lelia Buretia (Research Development Officer, R&IS) (Assistant Secretary)

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Terms of Reference

(1) To advise the Senate on all matters relating to the research strategy of the University and to support the Vice-Chancellor and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) in driving forward the agreed research strategy.

(2) To identify priority areas for research and impact and to develop, promote and monitor policies and practices to stimulate research and impact programmes and initiatives in the agreed areas, in liaison with other bodies as appropriate.

(3) To monitor and influence the development of research policy and strategy of key national and international agencies in the interests of the University (e.g. UK Research & Innovation (UKRI), the Research Councils, Innovate UK, Research England, and the European Commission).

(4) To oversee and monitor the performance of University Research Centres and recommend to the Senate, in consultation with the relevant Faculty Boards, the establishment and disestablishment of University Research Centres in line with the University’s research strategy.

(5) To oversee the performance of the University’s Global Research Priorities Programme, making recommendations to the Academic Resourcing Committee and Senate on financing and future direction.

(6) To support the University in its engagement with key external stakeholders relating to research, including business, industry, the government and funding agencies.

(7) To consider periodic reports on the research performance, research quality and the generation of research income of the University and its constituent parts, including relevant national and international benchmarking data where available, with a view to advising the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) on areas where improvements could be made, where there are significant risks and/or where new opportunities may be pursued.

(8) To monitor the University’s activities in relation to the career development of research staff including oversight of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and other related sector guidance published in the future.

(9) To consider reports from and make reports to the University Research Governance and Ethics Committee, Faculty Research Committees and Faculty Boards when appropriate.

(10) To discharge other functions as the Senate may from time to time determine.

(11) To make periodic reports, with the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), to the Academic Resourcing Committee on the considerations and findings of the Committee to aid in aligning resource allocation with research strategy.

(12) To report to the Senate, as appropriate, on the operation of the work of the Committee in relation to all of these areas.

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Reporting Structure

The Research Committee reports to the Senate.

The following report to the Research Committee:

Open Research Group

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary: Carole Harris, Associate Director - Head of Research Culture, Governance and Compliance, R&IS

Assistant Secretary: Lelia Buretia, Research Development Officer, R&IS


Papers for consideration by the Research Committee should be submitted to the Secretary two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

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Dates of meetings of the Research Committee can be found within the University Committee Timetable.

Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.

Other Useful Links

Information about University Research Centres

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