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Annual Reports

Report and Support - Annual Report 2020 - 21

Student Advisory Group

  February 2022 Meeting

Terms of Reference

Student Discipline Investigation Guidance

  Guidance Sheet

Student Discipline Process Flowchart

This simple flowchart shows the end to end process that will be followed when dealing with any allegations of student misconduct under Regulation 23.

Click here to access

Investigating Officer

The Investigating Officer is the person who is designated by the nominee of the Registrar to undertake investigations under Regulation 23. This can be someone from the conduct and resolution team or can be another member of the University with relevant knowledge or expertise in specific areas. For sexual misconduct and other complex investigations, the University uses external consultants who are trained and have extensive experience in these areas.

Case Officer

The Case Officer is responsible for ensuring that each of their cases progresses along the investigation process by arranging investigation meetings, liaising with other departments where appropriate and acting as an assistant to the investigating officer. The Case Officer works alongside the investigating officer and may act as note taker, helping to compile the investigation report and progresses cases to the next stage of the disciplinary proceedings once the report has been submitted to the conduct and resolution team.

Liaison Officer (LO)

Liaison Officers work with both responding and reporting parties in cases of sexual misconduct, bullying, harassment, discrimination and hate crime. All communications in these cases go through the LO’s, who meet with their appointed student to explain the process at each step. They can also act as a supporting person to the student in investigation meetings and at Discipline Committees. LO’s can also help students to submit Stage 2 complaints concerning misconduct allegations.

University Officer

The University Officer is a member of University staff appointed by the Registrar to present a case of misconduct to a Discipline Committee on behalf of the University. During a Discipline Committee, the University Officer will provide a summary of the details of the case based on the findings contained within the Investigating Officer’s report. The University Officer briefs the Discipline Committee on the particulars of the case and will explain why the allegation has been brought against the student and why the University believes that there is a case to answer and that a breach of our regulations has occurred. During mitigation hearings, the University Officer will highlight any mitigating or aggravating factors of the case and make recommendations to the Discipline Committee on sanctions that may be appropriate.

Discipline Committee Secretary

Once a case has been investigated and submitted to the conduct and resolution team, it will then be decided whether a case progresses to a Discipline Committee, this will depend on whether the conduct and resolution team, or the Student Discipline Review Group (SDRG) in cases of sexual misconduct, believe that there is a case to answer. If it is decided that a case should go to a Discipline Committee, the case is passed from the discipline team to the Discipline Committee Secretary. The Secretary will issue the charge letter to the student and give them a deadline to respond to the charge. They will also make all the necessary arrangements for a Discipline Committee to take place and ensure the smooth running of the Discipline Committee Hearing once in session. Once the Discipline Committee Hearing has concluded the Secretary will issue the outcome letter to the student detailing which penalties, if any, have been applied.

Sexual and Domestic Abuse Adviser (SDAA)

The University’s SDAA provides emotional support and advice to any member of the university who has been affected by sexual and/or domestic abuse. The SDAA can provide a confidential space for you to discuss your concerns and questions, and can work with you to find ways of coping with the impact of what has happened. They can inform you about your University and Police reporting options, provide you with emotional support through the University disciplinary process, and ensure you have some support from external services to aid you through the criminal justice system, if you wish to report to the police. The SDAA works closely with external services such as CRASAC and RoSA to ensure you have support with your police reporting decision. The SDAA can also help students to submit complaints and support at investigation meetings and Discipline Committee Hearings.

Find out more here


The Initial Risk and Support Needs Assessment Group, assesses the risk where a member of the team is concerned about the safety and wellbeing needs of reporter(s), respondent(s) and the wider university community.

IRSNAG terms of reference


The Student Discipline Review Group considers the reports provided by the Investigating Officer for sexual misconduct cases.

Terms of reference