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Professor Stuart Croft

vc smiling, wearing a grey suit stood inside the NAIC


Professor Stuart Croft has been the Vice-Chancellor and President of The University of Warwick since 2016.

Under his leadership, the University achieved Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework in 2023 and in the national Research Excellence Framework, 92% of Warwick’s research is rated ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. The university has also expanded in student and staff numbers, with income rising from £573 million in 2016 to £870 million in 2024 during which time income from research has nearly doubled to almost £200 million a year.

Stuart has overseen the development of a 10-year capital programme that is rebuilding the campus, has helped found EUTOPIA - a European University Alliance with 10 partners, secured a deepening alliance with Australia’s Monash University, launched a new African hub, and also opened a new Warwick Centre in Venice, and is supporting delivery of an Innovation Campus in the West Midlands.

Stuart has been part of Warwick’s community since 2007. Prior to becoming Vice-Chancellor and President, Stuart was the University’s Provost, preceded by the role of Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, and Professor of International Security. He has also held senior posts at the University of Birmingham, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) where he led the New Security challenges Programme, and the British International Studies Association.

Stuart is currently Chair of Universities West Midlands and has previously chaired the Midlands Innovation Board and the national Equality Challenge Unit. He is also a Deputy Lieutenant for the West Midlands.

Outside of his professional work, Stuart enjoys spending time walking in the countryside with his dogs.