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Job Related Expenses 2023 - 2024

Vice Chancellor and President expenses and travel/subsistence August 2023 to July 2024

This statement is intended to be read in conjunction with the University of Warwick’s financial statements. We publish this information on a voluntary basis in order to provide details of the travel, accommodation and subsistence costs for the Vice-Chancellor Stuart Croft in the course of performing his duties for the University. Details of the total emoluments including salary, pension and benefits in kind for the Vice-Chancellor are published in the University’s financial accounts.

Details of the expenses claimed by lay members of the University Council, who are unremunerated, in the course of their Council and statutory business responsibilities, are also published annually by the University.

For the post of Vice Chancellor and President, the proposed purpose and duration of all overseas trips are approved in advance by the Chair of Council. All expense claims and travel and subsistence costs are checked by an authorised signatory before approval in accordance with the University's financial regulations.


1. Travel
This includes air, rail and road travel. Due to the amount of travel that the Senior Leadership Team is required to undertake and that they are required to work while they travel, the University permits under the terms of the Senior Leadership contract, business class travel.

2. Purpose
Commitments include but are not exclusive to:

University business such as meetings with partner organisations, promotion of the University in key recruitment markets, alumni engagement events and fundraising, and higher education sector meetings;
Participation in governmental events overseas – both UK ministerial visits and foreign government invitations;
Other professional commitments such as external speaking, board membership or meeting engagements (some of which are reimbursed by the organisers).

3. Accommodation
<5 indicates where an overseas trip is up to and including five days’ duration; >5 indicates where a trip is more than five days’ duration.

4. Reimbursable costs
This includes where travel, accommodation or subsistence costs are associated with the Senior Leadership Team's professional commitments not directly associated with the University and these are eligible to be reclaimed by the University. It also includes where the member of the SLT has made a personal contribution to the costs of an engagement. Where costs have been paid directly by an external organisation, these are not listed.

Month Location Purpose Nature of cost and duration as applicable Amount (£)
Aug - 23 Stratford Travel   4
  Coventry City Council Travel   96
Aug 23 Total 100
Sept - 23 Singapore Travel Visa 65
London Accommodation 1 night 186
Brussels Travel

Return trains & taxi


1 night

Sept 23 Total 894
Oct - 23 London Travel Return trains, tubes & taxis 838
Hospitality   100
Birmingham Hospitality   96
Oct 23 Total


Nov - 23 London Travel Train, tubes and taxi 36
Accommodation   206
Oxford Hospitality   65
India Hospitality   123
Visa   686
Nov 23 Total 1,116
Dec - 23 Dresden & Paris Travel Train 290
Accommodation 4 nights 663
Hospitality   73
London Travel Return trains 176
Dec 23 Total 1,202
Jan - 24 London Travel Train & tubes 213
Birmingham Travel Taxis 376.40
Jan 24 Total 589.40
Feb - 24 London Accommodation 1 night 199
Travel Return trains and tubes 524
Feb 24 Total 723
March - 24 London Accommodation 1 night 161
Travel Return trains & tubes 289
Travel Taxis 643
March 24 Total 1,093
April -24 Romania Accommodation 2 nights 261
Travel Return flights 455
Hospitality   23
London Travel Return train, tubes and taxis 299.80
Accommodation 2 nights 370
April 24 Total 1,408.80
May -24 London Travel Return train, tubes and taxi 212
Canada & USA Travel Flights, taxis & visa's 1,795
Hospitality   47
Accommodation 2 nights 480
May 24 Total 2,534
June -24 London Travel Return train, tubes and taxi 463
Romania Travel Return flights & Parking 423
Hospitality   77
Accommodation 3 nights 416
June 24 Total 1,379
July -24 London Travel Return trains, tubes & Taxis 110
Hospitality   96
July 24 Total 206 

2023-2024 total

















0 349 0 206 663 0 199 161 631 480 416 0 3,105


0 0 196 188 73 0 0 0 23 47 77 96 700

Travel (road/rail)

100 480 838 36 466 589.40 524 932 299.80 302 510 110 5,187.20

Travel (air/visa)

0 65 0 686 0 0 0 0 455 1,705 376 0 3,287

Total by month

100 894 1034 1,116 1,202 589.40 723 1,093 1,408.80 2,534 1,379 206 12,279.20



No Nights

Total cost

Average Cost per night


8 1,397 175


10 1,708 171


18 3,105 172