Site structure
Each website starts with a home page at the top of the structure. As you add pages immediately beneath the home page, these become your top-level sections – the ‘tabs’ in the local navigation menu:

As you add, move or delete pages, SiteBuilder automatically updates the navigation menu according to your site structure.
Note: It's not possible to manually add your own menu tabs that link to pages you specify.
As you add pages and subpages, you build up the structure of your site like a family tree:

We refer to relationships in the page hierarchy with familial terms:
- Parent: The page immediately above the current page.
- Grandparent: The page two levels above the current page.
- Child: A page immediately beneath the current page.
- Grandchild: A page two levels below the current page.
- Sibling: A page at the same level as the current page.
It's a good idea to plan the structure for your site before you start to build it. For advice, see our advice on best practice in SiteBuilder. Generally, up to six major sections is a sensible number for top-level navigation.