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Faculty list CSGR SISAW

Speaking International Security at Warwick

Military personnel looking out to sea at a distant ship



Speaking International Security at Warwick - SISAW - provides a broad forum for speaking about security within CSGR and the University of Warwick. It is also an umbrella for impact-facing projects that focus on how political agents speak security and what difference this makes.

SISAW is part of the ESRC Grant ES/K008684/1.

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SISAW Project Lead

Alexandra Homolar

Dr Alexandra Homolar
Room: E1.20 (Social Sciences)
Tel: +44 (0)24 7652 4142




SISAW fosters developing mixed-methods research projects that interlink security discourse with policy formulation, political strategy, and security policy consequences.

SISAW projects engage with issues that have long cut across disciplinary boundaries, such as rhetoric, political bargaining, opinion formation, framing effects, and political culture.

Populist Fantasyland

How Dystopian Security Images Mobilise Voter Support  

Enemy Addiction

Outsider Threats, Security Frames, and Target Audiences in US Security Policy

The Uncertainty Doctrine

Maintaining US Hard Power after the Cold War

Governing Global Security


Events Series

Annual Masterclass in
Critical Security Studies
Public Lectures

Cornel Ban (Boston University):
Ruling Ideas: How Global Neoliberalism Goes Local

Garrett W. Brown (Sheffield)
A Cosmopolitan Alternative to Humanitarian Intervention and R2P

Claudia Aradau (KCL)
The (Big) Data-Security Assemblage

Research Sessions

Cornel Ban (BU) & Oddny Helgadottir (Brown)
Networks in World Politics

Nicholas Henry (Deakin)
The Language of Border Security

Matthias Leese (Tübingen)
Algorithmic Security

Shogo Suzuki (Manchester)

Ontological Security and its Threat to the Democratic Peace