Warwick Presents...Taskmaster
Based on the hit Channel 4 show, you will be set a series of weird and wonderful tasks to complete.
As with the original show, all the information you need will be contained within the task videos. You can attempt the task however you want and you need to determine what will please, delight and amuse the Taskmaster.
- Monday 23 November until Friday 19 March 2021
- Free event
- Entertainment | Indoor | Outdoor
- Virtual
Task #1 - Presented by the actual Little Alex Horne!
How to take part
- Simply register as an individual or team below
- Join the Warwick Presents Facebook Group to receive new tasks and share your attempts
- Tag us on Instagram (@universityofwarwick) with your task attempts and use #warwickpresents
- The mysterious Taskmaster will judge each task and announce points on the Facebook Group. At the end of Term 2 someone will be crowned Warwick Taskmaster Champion 2021
Please note: all judging for Taskmaster will be ambiguous, possibly arbitrary and definitely controversial, but that's Taskmaster!