Become an Apprentice - Support and FAQs
Your experience as a degree apprentice
Find out more about what to expect during your degree apprenticeship and explore how we will support you.
Your experience
Most of your training will take place in the workplace. 80 percent of your time is learning on-the-job, tasks that you would complete during your regular working hours.
At least 20 percent is then completed through your studies at Warwick, which might be day or block release, with a mix of online and face to face learning. Apprenticeships are typically 3 - 6 years long depending on the subject area and qualification.
You will be working full-time for a minimum of 30 hours a week. Any job role with less than 30 hours a week, would be considered on an individual basis. Your exact working pattern will depend on your role and your employer would confirm your contracted working hours.
Study format
You will be taught through a mix of face-to-face learning, interactive online learning, work-based projects, and independent study.
Our programmes are delivered in either one-week blocks spaced throughout the year or as day release, one day per week. Your employer will decide which.
Your academic study can be assessed through assignments, project work, and exams, similar to a traditional degree.
For your work-based learning, you will be asked to keep a Learning Journal and develop a Professional Portfolio of evidence both of which will be regularly reviewed.
To complete your apprenticeship, you will undertake an End Point Assessment to test whether you have gained the knowledge, skills and behaviours required.
Our Support
As well as your academic tutors you will have a dedicated University Apprenticeship Tutor to provide you with both academic and pastoral support. They will also meet on a regular basis with yourself and your Line Manager at work to discuss your progress.
Our Student Opportunity Team have a range of developmental opportunities including academic writing, study, research and numeracy skills, as well as a range of personal development workshops.
Your wellbeing is hugely important to us. We want you to feel safe, supported and reassured as you become part of our welcoming community.
Wellbeing and Student Support can help you to develop the personal resources and skills needed to navigate the challenges and opportunities of student life. You will be able to access our services via our Wellbeing Portal – choose an online or in-person appointment to help identify your needs and explore the best options for you e.g. referral to Counselling and Psychotherapy Services. You will also be able to access our Wellbeing Masterclasses and our Steps to Wellbeing Programme, to help you focus on your individual wellbeing needs.