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Engagement Monitoring

Section 1: Purpose and Contents of this page:

This page has been created to give guidance for Attendance monitoring for International students

Please ensure you have carefully read the guidance provided for your situation BEFORE you contact Student Immigration.


Section 2: Why do I have to attend sessions?

Section 3: Why does my attendance have to be monitored?

Section 4: How will I be monitored?

Section 5: What happens if I don’t attend sessions?

Section 6: What will happen if I don’t respond to my department ?

Section 7: I have a valid reason for not being able to attend. What now?

Section 2: Why do I have to attend sessions?

We want you to receive the best possible educational experience during your time at University of Warwick. Evidence shows that attending all your sessions, including lectures, seminars and tutorials, will give you the best chance of success and help you to achieve higher grades.

Section 3: Why does my attendance have to be monitored?

Engagement monitoring happens for all students at the University of Warwick. Further information on this can be found here : Reg. 36 Student Registration, Attendance and Progress (
It is also important that, as an international student, you comply with the UK immigration regulations during your registration at the university.
Part of these regulations are that you are able to show that you are engaging with your studies in a meaningful way. This is evidenced by ‘monitoring points’ across the year. Further information on these points can be gained from your respective departments and will also be set out in your course handbook.

Section 4: How will I be monitored?

The department that oversees your course will set a number of evenly spaced monitoring points for all students through the course of the academic year. The frequency of these will depend on whether you are an undergraduate, postgraduate taught or postgraduate research student. For further information regarding this, please contact your department who will be able to advise you of what your monitoring points will be. Examples of these might include but are not restricted to:
  • attendance at lectures
  • attendance at seminars and tutorials
  • attendance at lab sessions
  • attendance at supervisions
  • attendance at meetings with a project supervisor
  • attendance at taught research skills sessions for research students


Section 5: What happens if I don’t attend sessions?

If you miss any of your monitoring points, you will receive an automated email. Your department will also receive one.
If you miss 3 consecutive monitoring points (2 for research students), your department will contact you to try and find out the reason for the absence if you have not been in contact with them as we as a university have a duty of care to make sure you are alright.
If you miss 6 or more monitoring points (3 for research students), you will be again contacted by your department for the same reason as above. This is at a more serious stage as you would not be showing that you are engaging with your studies in a meaningful way.

Section 6: What will happen if I don’t respond to my department ?

If the department doesn’t hear from you, and you have missed 6 or more monitoring points (3 for Research students) they will refer your case on to the Immigration and Compliance team. At this point, the university may have to withdraw sponsorship of your visa as you would not be compliant.

Section 7: I have a valid reason for not being able to attend. What now?

We understand that there will be times when you are simply not able to attend a session, for whatever reason. We recommend that you keep in regular contact with your course tutors/ supervisors. If you know that you will not be able to make a specific class, make sure to contact them so that they can update the system to reflect this, even if it is after the class has happened.

Section 8: If you have further queries and useful links:

If, after reading the guidance above, and you are still unsure of what you should do next, please contact Student Immigration to discuss your situation via the following methods:

    Please click on the following links for more information

    University of Warwick:

    UK Government:

    Other contacts:

    Page Change Log:

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    All All Page updated with relevant information CO: MT 12/Jun/2023
    All All Page Created ISA: JL 07/Jun/2023