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MB ChB Selection Centre Information


Congratulations on being chosen to attend our Selection Centre for the

MB ChB programme at The University of Warwick.


In order to prepare for your interview please complete the tasks below.

  • Reply to your invitation - Opens 10am on the Tuesday 3rd December - check the invite email for the password
  • Read the Selection Centre Guidance which gives you some important information on travelling to campus and what to bring with you.
  • Please make sure you have uploaded a head shot which is recent to this link Warwick Photo Upload Link. The file name of the photo should be your name and Warwick ID number. There is no receipt of submission as long as you have 'dragged and dropped' a photo into the submission window it will have been received. Images must be saved as a JPEG and the file name should be amended as above before you upload the image (please note i-phone photos are often saved in HEIC format which we are unable to open so please check this before submission).