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Student Ambassador Code of Conduct


The Pre-University Summer School (PRESS) Programme Team strives to build a safe, positive and inclusive culture and environment for all students, staff and visitors on the programme.

This code outlines the principles and behaviour expected of all staff working with the PRESS Programme Team and their responsibilities towards the safeguarding of the young people in our care.

Before signing this document, please ensure you have read the University Child Protection Policy and University Safeguarding Policy and read the programme documentation, including the Risk Assessment, Escalation Policy, daily planners where available, etc. provided for the event. These documents will give you with more context about what you should expect and what is expected of you as well as examples of what is meant by inappropriate behaviour and cause for concern.

To ensure the success of our events we ask Student Ambassadors to:
  • Ensure your focus is on the young people's needs
  • Be punctual, enthusiastic and read information/briefings prior to the event
  • Let us know if you need any additional information/support ahead of the event
  • Support the Programme Team to create an environment of mutual respect and inclusion
  • Work with the Programme Team to ensure trips and activities run smoothly and to time
  • Portray the University in the best possible light
  • Follow safeguarding procedures and the institutional Child Protection Policy
  • Report any matter of concerns and incidents promptly (and documenting these if requested to do so)
  • Support the young people to engage positively in all activities
All staff can expect to:
  • Be given an appropriate level of information and training
  • Be treated in a professional and courteous manner
  • Be able to raise any concerns
  • Be resourced appropriately
Student Ambassador Declaration Form

By completing this form below, you are agreeing to the following:

  • I agree to challenge any inappropriate behaviour that is not respecting our values and report it immediately
  • I agree to inform the Programme Team immediately in the case where there is cause for concern, including when a disclosure in made or if I think a young person is at risk of harm
  • I agree to complete any necessary documentation or write a report for child safeguarding purposes, if requested
  • I agree to avoid inappropriate physical or verbal contact with a young person and remember that my action can be misinterpreted
  • I agree to always ensure that I am never alone in a private space with a young person
  • I agree to treat information about individuals or an incident with confidentiality and only inform people on a need-to-know basis
  • I agree to only meet participants at the event and not to have any contact with the young person after the event
  • I agree to maintain a professional relationship with the young person, during and after the event

By completing this form, you are confirming that you have read and understood the University Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, the relevant Programme Documentation and the above information. You are agreeing to work within the standards and procedures as set out in these documents.

Student Ambassador Declaration Form