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Science and Engineering Resources

Science and Engineering Resources

We hope that you will enjoy your time at Summer School, and that by the end of your time with us, you will have learned new things, made some unforgettable memories and some great friends!

On these course resource pages, you will be able to find all the information you will need for your academic, skills and personal development sessions.

Presentations will be added to the pages as the programme progresses.

Science and Technology

18th July - Chris Jones - Mathematics

19th July - Liz Blagrove and Gemma Gray - Psychology

22nd July - Robert Spooner and Philip Young - Life Sciences

23rd July - Ishwar Kapoor - Engineering

25th July - Leonardo Alves Dias - Computer Science

Additional Reading

  • Book: Materials science and engineering: an introduction by Callister, William D., Jr; Rethwisch, David G key definitions only: strength, metal and metal alloys, different types of materials
  • Book: Materials selection in mechanical design by Ashby, Michael F. key definitions only: materials selection, Ashby chart

In addition, here are a few guidelines that should help us all get the very best out of our time together.

Get involved

We understand that this may be the first time you have studied this subject, that English may not be your first language, and that this may be your first time visiting England. We know that this may seem daunting and overwhelming! The best way to get the most out of this summer school experience is to get involved!

In other words, you should join in your course sessions as much as you can. Ask questions, give your opinions, think about examples from your own life, and relate this to the course content.

Please tell your teaching team if you don't understand anything – whether this relates to content or language. It's their job to make sure that the material is accessible and clear to you, and they will be more than happy to help if there's any work you'd like to clarify or go through again.

Bring your electronic devices please, but...

We will be using electronic devices during the module (i.e., laptops, tablets and smartphones) and we ask that you bring these along each day, so you can take notes, view lecture slides etc.)

However, we would be really grateful if you could minimise the use of phones and other devices during class, unless you're using them for class activities or you have a reason you need to monitor communication (e.g., personal issues etc.).

Daily communications

Each day you will receive an email from the Summer School email account. This will give you important information about the course, social programme and anything else you may need to know. Please make sure you read these emails to stay informed of what is happening.

These emails will be sent to the email address you used to make your PRESS application. If you need to update your email with the programme team, please send an email to opens in a new window