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Chris & Yuya

Name: Chris Ding and Yuya Sasahara

Country: Chris - China, Yuya - Japan

WSS course studied: Chris - Data Science and Machine Learning: The Fundamentals; Yuya - Common Law Contracts, Arbitration and Advocacy

With participants joining the Warwick Summer School from more than 62 different nationalities, one of the main highlights for attendees is having the opportunity to learn and share insights with people from across the globe, as well as creating lifelong friendships with like-minded people.

One such friendship is between Yuya, from Japan and Chris, from China. They connected on the first day of the 2023 Warwick Summer School (WSS) and have seen their friendship thrive as they continued their study on their Warwick postgraduate degrees.

Read their interview below to find out how they became friends, the highlights of their time on WSS 2023 and how it supported their transition to postgraduate study.

Reflecting on your time on the Warwick Summer School, what were some of the most memorable connections you made with your peers, instructors or academics?


Throughout the period, WSS provided many opportunities to find excellent peers and academics. Chris - my best mate from WSS time - and I came from different countries and choose different courses, yet we met at a welcome event by chance and spent plenty of time after chatting, which is where we found out that both of us planned to complete postgraduate study at Warwick in September. The chance meeting with him helped expand my circle of friendship in and out of the social events of WSS.


I clearly remember the first time I met Yuya. It was the first day of WSS, and we were in the same group on the “Campus tour”. The volunteer led us to visit every corner of the campus, and at the same time we students were chatting freely to get to know each other. I personally am not a socially active person, but inspired by this vibe, I went to Yuya and started the conversation. I was so impressed that he has been working for years, and the moment I heard Yuya will also study for a PG degree here at Warwick, I was thrilled! I had the feeling that we could be very good friends, and now we actually are! During the three weeks, we met a lot of interesting people, and together attended great social events held by summer school, we took a trip to Birmingham, watched stand-up comedy and made food.

Another warm-hearted moment also took place on the first day’s campus tour. When someone asked my age, I said my 23rd birthday was around the corner. He enthusiastically shouted to everyone, and all of them started to sing the birthday songs aloud for me! Some of them even organized a birthday party for me in the evening, which was so much fun and unforgettable.

As you transitioned from the Warwick Summer School to your postgraduate program at the University of Warwick, how have you maintained the friendships you made during the summer school?


We regularly meet and have fun! Although we are in different schools (Yuya is studying in the Law School I am in the Warwick Business School) and stay in different places (Yuya stays on-campus and me off-campus), still we usually meet once a week, either make food together or take short trips to other places. Moreover, we expanded our network by introducing our new friends to each other from time to time, and now we have quite a few friends in common! They’re all very nice friends, just like Yuya.


Albeit the WSS experience, LLM is the first time I have stayed long-term outside Japan. Chris and I kept in touch after WSS and exchanged advice with each other about preparing for the new life, such as moving, student visa application, and accommodation. That helped me kick-start the new life in Warwick smoothly.

Image of Yuya and Chris smiling and waving
Group of students smiling with a canal in the background

Did your friendship and overall experience on WSS contribute to your sense of belonging within the university community?


As WSS was my first time studying abroad, I felt tremendous insecurity about how well I could catch up with the lectures and socialise with my peers. But it was no more than an absurd fear; friendship with Chris and the experience of enjoying the lectures made me confident about becoming a part of the Warwick community. After our postgraduate study had started, Chris and I frequently meet, as good mates for hanging out, as well as good counsellors in life.


Yes, of course. Firstly, WSS helped me get familiar with the campus and adapt to living here; with the experience, I could assist the new students, through which I got to know many people.

Secondly, Yuya has been a great help to me. To be honest, there was a period when things weren't going smoothly, but spending time with Yuya lifted my spirits. I am lucky to have gained this friend during the summer, which gave me a sense of belonging amidst my study abroad journey.

You are both currently studying master’s degrees here at Warwick, how did the Summer School help prepare you for this?


As a transition from my work in Japan to my LLM study in Warwick, I took the course ‘Common Law Contracts, Arbitration and Advocacy’. Dr Velimir Zivkovic, the convener of the course, provided students with a thought-provoking curriculum, which strengthened my desire to do a deep dive into arbitration in the LLM course. Velimir is also the director of LLM courses, and it was a great pleasure to be able to attend his International Arbitration seminar after enrolment.


I took the course Data Science: Foundations of Data Analytics. The professor, Dr. Ciucu, was brilliant. He was an intelligent and humorous teacher who made the boring data science stuff fun and attractive. I still remember the day he taught about the NFL (no free lunch) theorem in machine learning; he brought a box of doughnuts for us, offering us “free lunch”! The courses are quite intensive and hard-core, hence, I learnt a lot about statistics and analytics models. These are indeed really helpful for my current study, especially in modules related to analytics and research.

Also, thanks to WSS, I’m much more extroverted and dare to speak to everyone. In the past, I was highly unconfident about my spoken English. Still, after chatting a lot with amazing people from all over the world, not only could I speak much more fluent English, but I also found that language will never be a barrier as long as I genuinely communicate with others.

Group of students posing on the Warwick Piazza
Yuya and Chris and another male student pose with their arms round each other

What was your highlight of taking part in Warwick Summer School?


What impressed me most about WSS was the Farewell Party. It was held on the last day of the course, and I clearly remember that the feeling of accomplishment for completing the assignment and a pinch of sadness leaving the campus full of friends. I promised future reunions with friends, and now, I feel happier seeing peers' social media posts and reminiscence on the good days of WSS.


The best experience was undoubtedly participating in various activities organized by WSS, such as “curry, karaoke, and disco night”, where students from different countries enjoyed tasting cuisines, singing songs from their own countries, and dancing together until late at night. It was incredibly fun.

In addition, the day trip to Oxford left a deep impression on me. The tour guide took us to visit Oxford University. Walking with friends through another top university in the UK, I felt a sense of tranquillity like never before.

What advice would you give to future students participating in the Warwick Summer School?


Students who consider challenging themselves to jump into WSS, especially non-natives like me, might be concerned that you can gain a good experience here, out of your comfort zone, with the different languages, environments, and people. I guarantee that WSS would be a key component of your life; friendship and connection are worthwhile using your 2024 summer.


If you are coming to WSS, I suggest you open up, make friends, actively participate in classes, and seize the opportunity to interact with professors who are often top scholars and industry experts. Also, explore other cities on weekends to experience the scenery and culture of the UK.

In a word, enjoy and explore here as much as you can. Warwick Summer School will never disappoint you!