Stand out from the crowd!
Are you interested in
- Exploring the world through a cultural or professional global internship?
- Gaining a network across more than 110 countries?
- Contributing to a positive impact in your society and around the world?
Leadership Opportunities & International Internships
Taking up a cultural internship is the most intense learning experience that AIESEC offers. In the academic year of 2010/11, AIESEC Warwick sent over 60 students on global traineeships, giving these exchange participants a challenging opportunity to live and work in a foreign country, in areas of development, education, management and technology.
To increase youth impact in the world, AIESEC understands that societies need leaders who are entrepreneurial, culturally sensitive, socially responsible and take an active part in their own learning. To gain a holistic experience, AIESEC Warwick offers you the opportunity to take on a leadership role before or after your internship. Learn how to lead a team, manage large projects and run a local or national organization along with people all over the world.
One of the best ways to develop what it takes to be a leader is to take up one of 20,000 leadership roles involved in running AIESEC, at local, national, regional and global scale, as well as trainings in soft skills and functional areas in over 470 conferences and thousands of activities each year. Applications for AIESEC Warwick 2011/12 membership will soon be released on this website!
In the mean time, check out the Leadership and Career Development events we host throughout the year, read more about them here.
AIESEC International
AIESEC Warwick
Warwick Business School
Scarman Road
University of Warwick
Contact Us at:
warwick at aiesec dot co dot uk