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Nursery Eco work and Green Week

The University nursery is working towards our second Green Flag Award and the three topics we have chosen are water, improving nursery grounds and global citizenship. The children and staff have been working very hard to make a difference in these areas and this is what they have achieved.

Water- “We drink the same water that the dinosaurs used to drink! Can you roar like a Dinosaur?”

  • The older children are learning how to become ‘water warriors’; they switch off taps that other children have left on and they are learning only to take enough water from the water cooler that they can drink without tipping any excess down the drain.
  • The children use collected rainwater to water our plants and sharing what they are learning with parents.
  • Water saving tips are being shared with parents and families through monthly newsletters.

Improving Nursery Grounds – “Being outdoors and looking after our planet helps us to be happy and the planet to be happy. “

  • Planting seeds outdoors, growing vegetables and flowers and leaving some areas of our garden to go ‘wild’.
  • Promoting the ownership and care of indoor plants in every playroom at nursery.
  • With the help on the Sustainability team, plant trees on Campus and help maintain them.

Global Citizenship- “ There are 7.753 billion people on planet Earth, so it’s really important to be kind to one another and work together- Can you do a kind act for someone today?”

  • The nursery has made links with the Canley Food Hub and has started regularly donating supplies specifically to support children. This has included baby wipes, selection boxes at Christmas and Easter eggs.
  • Donated over 20 bags of warm baby and young children’s clothing to the people of Turkey and Syria’s who have survived the Earthquake Disaster.
  • The children are learning that diversity and inclusion of all is so important and how to be kind to people you know and don’t know.

University’s Green week 6-10 March

  • Litter picks are planned throughout the week involving all the children in the nursery and their parents and families are invited. Even the babies will be joining us in their prams for walks around campus whilst the oldest children do the litter picking. These litter picks will continue throughout the spring and summer on a monthly basis.

Jo Warren, Nursery Supervisor

Tue 07 Mar 2023, 15:03

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