Student Green Champions: Sign up
To be a sustainable University in every sense of the word - environmentally, financially, socially and reputationally - we need to meet these goals. If you want to be a Green Champion, you need to read them and accept them:
- Encourage everyone to play an active role in improving environmental sustainability.
- Use our buildings in a more environmentally sustainable way.
- Make sustainability part of our curriculum and our campus activities.
- Work with our community to support fund-raising.
- Encourage good initiatives and innovations put forward by any member of our community
Why not 'green' your society?
The Student Union is encouraging all societies to sign up at least one Green Champion to help 'green' societies. It is a requirement of the Sustainability and Community Award within the SocsMark societies recognition scheme that these Champions meet with the Energy and Sustainability Team to:
- identify how it may impact on the environment;
- what can be done to improve its impact; and
- raise awareness to its members.
If you're interested contact