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Reporting and performance

Strategy & performance

Warwick is committed to addressing the climate emergency and is working on its own way to sustainable. Here you can find out more about our strategic approach to sustainability, our progress so far and our performance on environmental sustainability.

We recognise that this is a journey and will keep this section updated over time as we develop our approach.

Climate Emergency Declaration

We have a responsibility to help combat climate change and the University of Warwick is now declaring a state of Climate Emergency.

However, declaring a climate emergency must be matched with ambitious plans and goals. The University is aiming to reach net zero carbon from our direct emissions and the energy we buy by 2030.

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Environment & Social Sustainability Action Group

The Environment & Social Sustainability Action Group (ESSAG) was formed in response to the Climate Emergency Declaration made in September 2019.

The ESSAG will coordinate the University’s approach to Environmental and Social Sustainability and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Carbon emission targets explained

Action to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions by 2030 is well-advanced. Discover more about Warwick's assessments and performance, and find out what Net Zero really means.

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were introduced in 2015 as a 'blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all'.

There are only ten years left to achieve the goals and large organisations such as Warwick have an important part to play.

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Policies and Plans

We aspire to do better for our immediate surroundings, for our people and for the world. The University of Warwick has multiple policies and plans covering everything from our Carbon Management Plan to how we deal with waste.

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Our performance

View Warwick's sustainability performance data for carbon, waste and travel.

You can also see the certifications and awards achieved by the University.

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