IGGY Junior Commission: Education and the Internet report
IGGY’s Junior Commission is a biennial project which selects ten of its members to work together to tackle a current issue facing the world in which we live.
Since May 2013, ten Junior IGGY Commissioners aged 14 – 18 from the UK, Australia, Canada, France, Pakistan, South Africa, Singapore, and the Netherlands have been collaborating on the subject of ‘Education and the Internet’. These bright young minds and potential future global leaders represented IGGY to carry out a yearlong research project. Their aim is to influence policy makers in education and technology.
You can read their report here.
Their research project included two residential visits. Junior Commissioners visited Warwick in July 2013 to benefit from the expertise of academics and professionals on campus, and they travelled to the USA in October 2013 to carry out research with schools, educators and technology providers.
Nigel Thrift, Vice-Chancellor said:
The IGGY Junior Commission enables ten of the brightest young minds to collaborate with one another to achieve a global goal. These young people are the potential leaders of the future and deserve an opportunity to share their views and recommendations. I would like to thank them for their contribution to IGGY and the University of Warwick’s research goals."
Junior Commissioners were keen to explore existing initiatives and understand global issues, problems and considerations which may impact education for future generations. Their report includes a number of recommendations for schools and organisations to aspire to, in order make a difference to education on a global scale. These recommendations are intended to encourage development, research, provision and global change in the field of ‘Education and the Internet’.