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Data list page

A data list page enables you to create a repository of information - for example, lists of publications, useful links, or FAQs. You can then use the items to feed data to other pages, such as s Filtered data list page or by using a Data entry content feed component.

In this article:

Create a new data list page

  1. Go to the parent page under which you want to create the Data list page.

  2. Go to Edit > Create a new page:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'Create a new page' option highlighted

  3. To see the Data list template in the list, you need to add &sb_hiddenTypes=true to the end of the URL in your browser's address bar when creating a new page:

    The address bar when creating a new SiteBuilder page, with the access paramater to show hidden page types highlighted

  4. Select the Change button to expand the options, then choose Data list:

    The 'New page' screen, showing the available template options with 'Data list' highlighted

  5. You see the Data list page options:

    The default options for the Data list page template

  6. Use the List of... drop-down list to select what type of data you want the page to store:

    • Links
    • Publications
    • Tasks to do
    • FAQs
    • Generic list (advanced)
  7. Decide whether to Order items by title or date using the drop-down list.

  8. For Links, Publications, Tasks to do and Generic list (advanced) pages, select how many entries you want to show at once using the Number to display per page. By default, all entries will be shown.

  9. For FAQs pages, select whether you want to Show list of categories alongside the questions. If you have a lot of questions, separating them into categories and enabling this list can help visitors to the page to find the answer they're looking for.

  10. Enter the rest of the page properties: URL, Page heading, Title bar caption and Link caption. For more guidance on these properties, see our article on how to create a new blank page.

  11. Select Create new page.

  12. Follow the link in the confirmation to view your new page, or select Return to edit section to go back to the Editing screen for the parent page.

Add items to a data list page

  1. Browse to the Data list page where you want to add items.

  2. Select Add a new entry:

    A data list page, with the 'Add a new entry' button highlighted

    Alternatively, to edit an existing data list item, select the Edit button for that entry:

    A data list item on an FAQs page, with the 'Edit' button highlighted

  3. You see the Creating data entry screen:

    The 'Creating data entry' screen

  4. Enter a Title for the item. For an FAQs data list, enter the question here.

  5. For data lists other than FAQ, you have the option to enter a Link. This will

  6. Write the item's Content. This is what will appear in a Data entry content feed component, for example.

  7. Optionally, Specify a date for this entry by selecting the checkbox and using the picker to set the date. This information is used to sort the items if you chose to Order items by date in the page properties.

  8. In the Tags or Categories section, select an existing tag or category, or enter a new one in the text box and select Add.

  9. When you've finished creating your data list item, select Save changes.

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