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Site changes page template

Use the site changes page template to show a list of recent changes to your website, and who made them, within the previous 24 hours, seven days, 14 days and older. As well as being useful to site administrators, visitors may value discovering what’s new on your site.

In this article:

Create a site changes page

  1. Go to the page under which you want to create the site changes page

  2. Go to Edit > Create a new page:

    The SiteBuilder page 'Edit' menu, with the 'Create a new page' option highlighted

    Note: To create new pages, you need edit or admin permissions for the parent page.

  3. Select Change page template to expand the options, then select Site changes:

    The 'Create new page' screen, with the option to create a site changes page highlighted

  4. Specify whether you want to include sub-sites in the list of site changes.

  5. Enter the new page's URL and other page properties, as for a blank page template.

  6. Enter the keywords and page contact.

  7. When you have finished editing the page properties, select the Create new page button. You see a confirmation message with a link to view the new page.

Subscribe to site changes via RSS

To generate an RSS feed URL you can subscribe to in your RSS reader:

  1. Take the path of the topmost page you want to see recent edits for. This is the part of the URL after - for example, the path for the IDG website is:

  2. Add the path onto the end of the following:

    For example, to subscribe to changes to the IDG site, you would have:
  3. Enter the resulting URL in your RSS reader of choice.

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