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24 Jun 2021

Our Centre for Lifelong Learning celebrates 30 years of the 2+2 degree pathway

If you’re interested in starting your return to education but aren’t sure if you have the confidence or skills to study for a degree, why not join CLL’s free online summer gateway starting later this month? Successful completion of the course guarantees an interview for the 2+2 degree pathway.

24 Jun 2021

Stitch in Time: Resonate Festival

The aim of this event was to inspire primary school children and their families from the local community about the history of Coventry's textiles, linking this to modern day technology and programming skills that are really important for children to learn. Find out more about the day and view our gallery.

24 Jun 2021

Warwick Voices podcast: How to engage with a City of Culture

We now have our very own podcast! In this episode we speak to Professor Michael Scott and Professor Helen Wheatley about Warwick's involvement with City of Culture. Listen in to discover how public engagement at the University links in to the city's culture. Plus you can learn all about our very own Resonate Festival!

24 Jun 2021

Local artist looking for participants for her Coventry Biennial project

Award winning artist Laura Dicken is looking for participants from the city’s migrant and diaspora communities to take part in a collaborative and inclusive portrait project celebrating Coventry’s diversity. Find out more.

24 Jun 2021

Does ‘making’ matter to you? Tell us what you think in this short survey

Dr Jo Trowsdale, Associate Professor of Education, Arts and Creativity, is asking for different views on whether Coventry is a city renowned for making things, for inventing and re-inventing. Tell us what you think by taking part in a short survey.

24 Jun 2021

Join us for a major online summit to discuss the future of cultural policy

Together with Coventry University, on 24-25 June we’re hosting a major summit of regional and national leaders to present plans for the impact and legacy of cultural mega-events like City of Culture. Register for free tickets to receive reminders, further information and the latest updates about the programme.

24 Jun 2021

Take a tour of Leamington Spa like you've never seen before

Dr Ben Richardson from our Department of Politics and International Studies and his colleagues in the Colonial Hangover project, along with Margaret Rushton at Leamington History Group and local historian Jane Croom, have sought to elaborate this imperial history through a walking tour of the town that you can take using the guide they have put together. Download the guide here and take the tour.

24 Jun 2021

Did you know that the University is part of the Arden Farm Wildlife Network?

Our Wellesbourne campus has become a partner in the Arden Farm Wildlife Network Tree Sparrow Project. The project brings together like-minded farmers to share best practice on how to improve their farm for wildlife whilst maintaining a productive farm. See how funding secured by the network has enabled us to install tree sparrow boxes as well as a barn owl box and restore their habitat and nesting sites.

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