Other select publications
- ‘Painting The Poor and the Infirm in Trecento Padua and Venice’, in Armut und Armenfürsorge in der italienischen Stadtkultur zwischen dem 13. und 16. Jahrhundert. Bilder, Texte und soziale Praktiken, eds. P. Helas and G. Wolf, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern: Peter Lang, 2006, pp. 335-348.
- ‘Displaying the Bodily Remains of Saint Anthony of Padua’, in Bild und Körper im Mittelalter, eds. K. Marek, R. Preisinger, M. Rimmele, K. Kärcher, Paderborn: Fink Verlag, 2006, pp. 243-255.
- ‘Guariento’s Crucifix for Maria Buvolini in San Francesco, Bassano: Women and Franciscan Art in Italy during the Later Middle Ages’, in Pope, Church and City. Studies in Honour of Brenda Bolton, ed. F. Andrews, C. Egger, C. Rousseau, Leiden: Brill, 2004, pp. 309-323.
- ‘Altichiero’s Anchona for Margareta Lupi: a Context for a Lost Painting’, The Burlington Magazine, 144 (2002), pp. 291-293.
- ‘D’un ordre à l’autre. Choix iconographiques des ordres mendiants à Bolzano’, in D’une montagne à l’autre. Etudes comparées, Cahiers du CHRIPA, 6, ed. D. Rigaux, Grenoble: Université Pierre Mendès, 2002, pp. 221-241.
- ‘Death and the Patron: Andriolo de Santi, Bonifacio Lupi, and the Chapel of San Giacomo in Padua’, in Il Santo, 39 (1999), pp. 687-697.
- ‘De origine et progressu ordinis fratrum heremitarum: Guariento and the Eremitani in Padua’, Papers of the British School at Rome, 66 (1998), pp. 177-192.