Dr Naomi Vogt
I joined the department in 2019. Before that, I was a visiting research scholar at CUNY Graduate Center in New York and a research fellow in History of Art at UCL, supported by the Swiss Research Council. During my PhD at the University of Oxford (completed in 2018), I was based at the Ruskin School of Art. Working closely with artists led me to co-found the journal OAR: The Oxford Artistic and Practice Based Research Platform in 2016. In 2017, I was a Franz Roh Fellow at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich. As an undergraduate, I studied archaeology and art history at the Sorbonne in Paris, following a foundation art degree at ECAL in Lausanne, where I majored in video and filmmaking.
My current project, the book manuscript Invented Rituals: Art and the Moving Image of Social Life (under an advance contract with University of Michigan Press) examines the boundaries between representing and producing new rituals in recent art practices. The book focuses on work by Mike Kelley, Pierre Huyghe, Ryan Trecartin and Lizzie Fitch together with cases in Early Modern painting, visual ethnography, and homemade video practices online. It shows how the mechanisms by which new rituals are being born have fully merged with contemporary mechanisms of representation.
Another project I am working on, 'Editing Reality', examines the aesthetic and political significance of contemporary moving-image editing. It centres on artists' creative expansions of montage since the 1970s, while historicising how this ubiquitous form has come to mediate everyday life. Related publications include an article on Arthur Jafa (New Left Review, 2022), which explores how the artist makes meaning and contributes to racial politics without reducing his films to messages or his editing to a syntax; as well as ‘The Sex Education of Art, circa 2022’ (under review), which examines the pedagogical aesthetics of sexually explicit video works emerging alongside the new sexual revolution.
Aspects of my research fall within our departmental cluster on 'Art and Politics', and I am a member of Warwick's Centre for Digital Inquiry. Other subjects I have written about include the work of Steve McQueen in relation to marginalised narratives and memorial forms, French banlieue cinema in the wake of the country’s council estate ‘riots’, outsider art, 'extreme' aesthetics, and postcolonial ritual performance in Britain.
Research interests
Art and visual culture of the late 20th and 21st century; moving image within history; documentary practices; the post-internet; visual anthropology; artists' films; rituals; the circulation of tropes and iconographies; art and knowledge; art and sexuality.
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught include:
Reality After Film
Art and Disruption, 1900-today
Exhibiting the Contemporary (in Venice)
Art Since the 1960s
Fakes and Forgeries (group-taught)
The Natural World and the Arts of Modernity (group-taught)
I am interested in hearing from prospective PhD students who would like to undertake research in contemporary art history, particularly in (but not limited to) my above-listed research fields and projects.
Administrative roles
- Admissions Tutor
- Mead Gallery Coordinator
Selected publications
- Editing Chills: Arthur Jafa's Video ArtLink opens in a new window. The New Left Review vol. 133/134 (2022): 161-77.
- 'The Invention of (YouTube) Ritual and Pierre Huyghe's Holiday.Link opens in a new window' TDR: The Drama Review vol. 65 no. 4 (2021): 147-65.
- In preparation: Invented Rituals: Art and the Moving Image of Social Life (book, under advance contract).
- Editor and co-founder of the journal OAR: The Oxford Artistic and Practice Based Research PlatformLink opens in a new window. Editor of themed Issues 0 to 4: ‘ResponseLink opens in a new window’ (2016), ‘Sites of ResearchLink opens in a new window’ (2017), ‘ValidityLink opens in a new window’ (2017), ‘That's All There IsLink opens in a new window’ (2018), and ‘Working with YouLink opens in a new window’ (2021).
- ‘Small Monuments: Recording and Forgetting in the Work of Steve McQueenLink opens in a new window.’ Third Text vol. 29 no. 3 (2015): 123-40,
- BA (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
- MA, PhD (University of Oxford)
Associate Professor
Admissions Tutor
Mead Gallery Coordinator
Tel: +44 (0)24 76 23622
Email: naomi.vogt@warwick.ac.uk
Faculty of Arts Building
6 University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7EQ
Advice and Feedback hours
I am on research leave until spring 2025.
Special Subject
HA3D6 Reality After FilmLink opens in a new window
Undergraduate modules
HA2E7 Exhibiting the Contemporary (taught in Venice)Link opens in a new window
HA2E5 Art and Disruption, 1900-TodayLink opens in a new window
Postgraduate modules