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Flipped Teaching with VeVox


As part of a ‘flipped classroom’ pedagogy, Zhiqiong Chen uses VeVox to increase in-class participation. Zhiqiong expects students to arrive at seminars already equipped with some understanding of the topic and instead uses the seminar as a space to test student knowledge through a range of activities. In addition to VeVox, Zhiqiong also uses Talis ElevateLink opens in a new window and Microsoft TeamsLink opens in a new window to encourage in-class participation. This gives students more opportunities to communicate with Zhiqiong and with eachother verbally and non-verbally, using their first or second language.

During seminars, Zhiqiong uses Vevox PowerPoint polls to check students’ understanding of the language, mainly the correct use of characters, vocabulary, grammar, and sometimes reading comprehensions as well. By allowing students to answer anonymously, Vevox helps to increase participation in class as students can answer questions without fear of embarrassment when making mistakes.

While students work on each question, Zhiqiong can see how many students have participated and how many have answered the questions by which she can adjust the answering time for a particular question. Through the instant data on students’ responses together with the percentage of responses to each option, Zhiqiong then decides how much detail should go into each question and targets the students’ misconceptions, which makes her seminars more student centred. At the same time, students can position their performance in the whole class through these data.


Zhiqiong ChenLink opens in a new window, School of Modern Languages and Cultures

Lesson plan

  1. At the start of module teaching, Zhiqiong sets student expectations by informing the students that she will be using a flipped classroom pedagogy and as such their seminars will be activity-led.
  2. Zhiqiong sets up quiz questions and adds polls into her PowerPoint presentation before the seminar. 
  3. During the seminar, Zhiqiong gives the students the Vevox ID number, which they can join the polls through the Vevox app to complete the quiz on their own devices, mobile or laptop.
  4. Students get results immediately after completing each quiz and receive Zhiqiong’s feedback based on their responses.
  5. After seminar, students can access all the quiz questions and go over if needed. They are also strongly encouraged to use office hours to get feedback and advice from Zhiqiong outside the teaching time.

Tutor's observations

The good thing is that the [Vevox] system gives me the percentage of students who got the question correct so it actually gives me an idea of which part I should focus more on. It’s changed my lessons to make them more student-centred…But with Vevox I can only see the result, I can’t really see how the students think.

Student testimonies

“Nice to have anonymity - can participate without worrying judgement for my mistakes from others”.

“I like how it allows everyone to contribute due to the anonymous characteristic of the platform. We also discuss our answers, so we understand what we need to work on as a class, which I find very helpful.”

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